Happy Memorial Day
Posted on May 29, 2007 in Articles
An Iraqi boy hides behind a U.S. soldier on Monday amid gunfire after a car bomb in Central Baghdad killed 24 people:

An Iraqi boy hides behind a U.S. soldier on Monday amid gunfire after a car bomb in Central Baghdad killed 24 people:
All of you are missing the point.
You go back and forth all day about whether this war is good or bad, justified or not…blah blah blah…conservative loving america crap.
what bugs the fuck out of me is when any neo-con on the web sits there and bashes all of us for being against a fabricated war.
“Why do you hate freedom you dicksucking liberal?”
fuck that. It’s the republican agenda to put anyone that disagrees on the defensive, thus making them weaker.
These conservative bible humping fucks have done nothing but fuel divisive politics to keep their fundraising coffers wet and moaning for more.
It’s the biggest play going on.
If Ralph Nader was president none of this would have ever happened.
All of you need to grow the fuck up and get the hell off the internet.
Hey ass, tell us how you really feel.
At the end of the day not even you can ignore the fact that Iraq will be a safer happier and friendlier place because we took down a dictator. Not to mention that a stable democracy with a free trade market smack in the middle of all that Middle East turmoil will infect everyone and everything ultimately bringing an end to one of the poorest and destabilized regions in the world.
You can sit and whine about how it isn’t fair but never ever forget, that when the people are happy with their government they’re not strapping bombs to their chest for God. And we are giving them a government that will work.
It’s up to them to keep it though.
Isn’t it possible that an Iraqi boy, startled by shooting hides behind the first thing it can find to hide behind? And isn’t it just conceivable that this first thing it finds is an armed foreign guy? Wether it be a US soldier, or a private security guard, does that matter? To the kid, all that matters is there’s something between himself and the bullets.
There’s a lot to be said about US politics and their involvement in Iraq, but I somehow think it’s less relevant to this particular photo. Let’s just hope the kid survived that particular day.
Hey GoUSA,
Actually, I can dispute the alleged “fact” that Iraq will be happier at the end of the day. I can also dispute the “fact” that the place is better off for losing a dictator. Here are the reasons.
1.At this point in the war, more Iraqis have died than died during 20+ years of Sadaam’s regime.
2.While the Shiite people have gained power, other groups, such as women have lost (or are steadily losing) the ability to a)become educated, b)vote, c)express their most basic human perogatives (i.e. sexuality, expression, curiosity) without being stoned to death or becoming a victim of “honor killing”
3.The pre-war infrastructure that Iraq had… is gone, and the new one still hasn’t reached the level of efficacy or efficiency that existed before. If you live in Baghdad… you might get 4 hours of electricity/day. If you live outside of Baghdad… Oh, well.
4.The “government” that Iraq now has is crumbling, and WE don’t even acknowledge its authority. They passed a resolution in Parliament that asked us to produce deadlines or to leave… we’re still there.
5.Oh, and your “point” that people who like their government don’t strap bombs to their chests? Well, They weren’t strapping bombs to their chest in Iraq before the war… but they are now. So, I guess that, even by your own logic, this experiment is a failure.
6. Free trade breeds democracy? huh… what about Dubai? Trade couldn’t be much more free than that… And.. if you can find some way to make that place look like a thriving Democracy… then why do we need to force one in Iraq? I thought Democracy was “infectious.”
As for the rest of your commentary…I don’t whine about things not being fair. I look at the EVIDENCE that is presented. I then weigh that evidence against the arguments made, and I reach and INFORMED decision. That’s business and policy decisions are SUPPOSED to be made. I find it shocking that the right-wingnuts still refer to the republican party as the business party.. There’s a difference between “business” and “cronyism.” Both can be successful, but one is morally bankrupt. That’s why “good” companies like Halliburton can get no-bid contracts… get a raise for NOT fulfilling them… and then move their HQ to Dubai… a place that is diametrically opposed to what we are, supposedly, trying to create in Iraq. Oh. That’s good business though, right?
This war has been a debacle. Every ASSUMPTION that our government made going into it has been disproven. Now we need to concentrate on fixing the mess that our misguided, underinformed, and (in some cases) deliberately and willfully ignorant leaders have created.
More of the same is not the answer.
[…] An Iraqi child hides behind a soldier during a bombing in Baghdad […]
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I got tired of reading the post here is my two cents. All you have to do is look at the patch on his left upper arm. Wow, that looks like to AA side by side. Could it be this is a soldier from the famous 82nd Airborne? You know the All Americans. Nuf said.
I got tired of reading the post here is my two cents. All you have to do is look at the patch on his left upper arm. Wow, that looks like two AA side by side. Could it be this is a soldier from the famous 82nd Airborne? You know the All Americans. Nuf said.
I got tired of reading the post here is my two cents. All you have to do is look at the patch on his left upper arm. Wow, that looks like two AA’s side by side. Could it be this is a soldier from the famous 82nd Airborne? You know the All Americans. Plenty of countries with evil leaders doing bad things to the people. We should learn to mind our own business. Let other nations do what they want. Once they do something against us, then we wipe them from the face of earth. Nuf said.
All of the politics aside this picture is exactly what it is, an American Paratrooper in absolute control over any normal flight response. He is assesing the situation totally focused on his environment and preparing to return fire if required. This is a testament to the training, courage, and dedication of our Soldiers. And just for the record the uniform is legitimate I have been in the Army awhile and this is the look of your Soldiers today. ALL THE WAY AIRBORNE!!!
ifeel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for you cause 1st your bomming iraq and then they actually like u
hahaha what?
AlvinBlah talks a lot of shit for someone behind a computer screen. There’s a few of us 4-1 Cav troops at Ft Bliss who would to see you talk your shit in person bitch
technically, I type the shit, the poo gets turned into binary and then is translated into text through a graphical interface on your computer. I may type shit, but it comes out as werds…Crazy huh. I’m also not behind a computer. I sit in front of it. You know so I can see the screen.
If you think I’m behind it, you’re probably thinking of it from your perspective where I may or may not be a tiny little elf inside the box using fecal matter to make you mad.
I assure you that is not the case.
I live in Indiana. Come on over, we’ll talk things out, and share a few beers.
Although you imply you were in a war, you don’t have to talk violence on line. It’s not constructive, threatening or believable. And it reflects badly for veterans everywhere.
Picture: Who ever took it, Good job, great capture, where you in any danger? Iām sure. Thank you for that.
As for all the rest? The Child is hiding behind a soldier with Iām speculating body armor. So that when and if shrapnel or bullets fly, that body armor and that GI will get it and not him. A metaphor.
You Vets out there, Thank you thank you thank you, I apologize that I couldnāt support you more. I know itās tuff, very tuff. Youāve given up most things familiar in your life to be in this thing. Many of you will never be the same, I wasnāt and I still after 36 years am coming to grips with it all. Hang in there, come home safe and we will see you stateside.
Those of you making this out to be more, and especially those of you resorting to expletives to push your point, are resorting to your only recourse due to limited intelligence or vision. And by the way, stay away from my butt; I might get some disease when you kiss it. So donāt even think about it.
Those of you spewing religious speak, the same type of babble that drives the Jihad, brain washed dumb bells of Al-Qaeda and all the rest. Get a clue, what next a new crusade, more religious BS to justify killing people. Thatās real intelligent. Your living in the ancient past, and lighting is the weapon of some mean higher power, and some day when youāre dead everything will be work out. What about now? You need some Kool-aid.
Those trying to make the point that we are right and justified in everything our government seeās fit to do. Please review history again. Hitler came to power because of ignorance and the German peoples blind adherence to social pressure. Most terrible leaders do, and they are kept there by more ignorance, fear and apathy.
Think! And donāt stop thinking, asking questions, forcing accountability. Shed light on the truth as much as one can. Itās our thoughtful measured mediation of our governments that will make this freedom we have continue to work. Not some push and shove debate that goes nowhere. Especially with children that need their mouth washed out Ref above. (Iām sure Iāll get some violent vulgarity spewed at me for that) Put a bottle in it junior, and go have your diaper changed you smell.
Itās not, violence, more technology, or intolerance that will keep us alive here. Strength comes from solid understanding and a continued effort to know one another that will keep us progressing as a species. Banal, baser instincts still drive many of us, wanting all the food and refusing to share keeps us as lower animals. Itās our ability to think, reason and share that knowledge to improve life on earth that truly works. Come down out of the trees people, standing upright and looking ātoā each really works.
There is no right or wrong, just poor quality thought, bad choices and all or nothing thinking. Itās pretty simple.
What a vigorous debate! Thanks everyone, Keep it going we might get somewhere, not you junior go play with some hand grenades or something.
“Those trying to make the point that we are right and justified in everything our government seeās fit to do. Please review history again. Hitler came to power because of ignorance and the German peoples blind adherence to social pressure. Most terrible leaders do, and they are kept there by more ignorance, fear and apathy.”
“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”
Goodwin’s Law has now been invoked. Conversation is over.
The Soldier is from the 82nd Airborne and he is toting the M4 Carbine. Camo is standard. Boots were given up some time ago for more athletic type shoes since we were on pavement more than the usual open fields and such. Much more comfy, too. Security forces wear mostly civilian clothing and uses mostly black bodyarmor vests. USArmy and other brances are pretty much the only ones who are sporting the digital camo style.
Hay Alvin: Like I said not you junior go play with some hand grenades or something.
for those who say it ISNT a US soldier it is… hes wearing ACU , using a standard issue m4a1 with an ACOG scope… so i dont know why you guys say it isnt…
I just hope that US see how it is to have a war in your own back yard…I had mine share of civil war in my country and all of u people here don’t know what are u talking about cause you never seen what is like when a mortar or tank shell hits your house while you are in the basement…you never heard how that sounds…or how snipers sound…
Let me clear this up for you people.
1.Army Combat Uniform ( ACU )is what this “guy” is wearing.
2.The boots are not standard issue but the Army allows you to purchase your own so long as they fall into Army guidlines and regulations.
3.His left sleeve shows he is in the 82nd Airborne Division (The AA meanining All American)With the Airborne tab above the unit patch.
4.He is using a M4 Carbine with a M68 Red Dot sight and an AN/PEQ2 IR Laser module. Additionally there is a surefire tactical light on the left rail.
5.The molle bag on his back is similare to a camelbak used to carry water. Also a standard issued item.
He is a real deal US Paratrooper and what is more ironic then that the kid seen him as the best cover in the area is he seems to remain calm and evaluate what the situtation is while everyone else turns tail. True showing of how our fighting men and women stand strong in the face of danger.
“I may not support this war, but be careful before mouthing off about soldiers if you know nothing about them, sir.”
Fuck the troops. They’re nothing but hired killers and are as guilty as the fuckers who sent them there.
you sniveling little shit. Don’t EVER forget they attacked us first!
If it wasn’t for these HEROES you’d be dead on main street with a turban on your head.
They’re coming for us. The invasion is being planned. IF you can’t see it OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!
If we don’t take the fight to the desert, the desert will take the fight to our homes!
Without these soldiers defending us in an epic war, your daughters and families would be beaten and tortured.
I do not believe this
[…] Happy Memorial Day with 26,338 unique hits — a poignant series of pictures from May of 2007 that featured an […]
The behavior of local children can be a good indicator of popular sentiment. This child, rather than follow the crowd (the expected, human thing to do) has chosen, in a moment of panic, without conscious thought, to seek safety near an American Soldier.
Congratulations to this Soldier and his unit for doing all that it takes to win the hearts and minds of the people in this neighborhood.
If you’re out there passing judgement on this photo and everything in it without having been there, I suggest you try talking about something you understand rather than living vicariously through the lives of men and women of action.
You don’t have to be the spectator you’ve been until today. Raise your hand and go do something. You may like the person you grow to be when the pressure is on.
on contrary to popular belief Halibuton. is not in Iraq. The private contractors dont get issued this type of cloths either unless they are working for the DOD.
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This image is obviously shopped.
When the USA send their youth to fight Hitler…THAT WAS BEING A HERO. THAT WAS FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM!
The USA sending poor Americans (and not even full US citizens, like some hispanics that got citizenship AFTER SERVING IRAQ) to STEAL OIL and basically secure business contracts for the corrupt Vice President – NOT A HERO, A SUCKER, A PAWN, A FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH.
Sorry, Iraq soldiers – YOU AIN’T NO HEROS! LIVE WITH IT!
” NEVERforget!
you sniveling little shit. Donāt EVER forget they attacked us first!
If it wasnāt for these HEROES youād be dead on main street with a turban on your head.
Theyāre coming for us. The invasion is being planned. IF you canāt see it OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!
If we donāt take the fight to the desert, the desert will take the fight to our homes!
Without these soldiers defending us in an epic war, your daughters and families would be beaten and tortured.
This is an example of a retarded redneck underedjucated U.S.A. citizen who believes that his country is “defending” itself ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKIN’ GLOBE(13000 miles)!!!!!!!!
Btw. 9/11 terrorists were from SAUDI ARABIA, NOT Iraq. Ahhhhh, too much for his brainwashed brain…
This picture peaks volumes. Children are among the most honest creatures on the face of the earth. They know who they can trust. Sure, there are segments of society that will exploit that trust, but this is a simple picture of a complex situation where this child is running to a source of safety and shelter.
Thank you US Military for securing this trust for us, for securing this nation over these past 200+ years, for projecting peace through strength in the face of increasing odds.
Say what you want to, peace to the children.
so the boy feels protected behind a highly trained us soldier carrying a powerful ass gun, i would too.Just enjoy the photo its supposed to make you feel feel like you live in a powerful and caring country USA!!!!!USA!!!!!USA!!!!!
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