A Call For Contributors

Can you write engaging articles, produce original content, and find interesting material on topics of your choosing on a regular basis? Prose Before Hos is expanding its content and is looking for regular contributions for the following subject areas:
* Political Ironing / Government Employee – Commentary on public policy and politics in America, often in the form of comics or videos.
* Progressive Economics – Long-form articles and commentary focused on contextualizing economics within a leftist framework (bonus points for individuals capable of presenting current economic issues under the rubric of Marxist or Institutional economics).
* International Relations – Original articles and content on international relations and development.
* Sports Editor – Original articles and content on sports.
Compensation will be per contribution with the possibility of bonuses related to performance and traffic. Writers will initially write one article per week, and based upon quality and performance, be asked to contribute more as needed. To apply, please write an introductory email with a writing sample to Alec at [email protected], along with an answer to one of the three following questions:
* Who did (or would) you vote for in the 2000 American Presidential elections?
* Why is Bud Selig the greatest monster in the history of the modern baseball era?
* What’s the best album that has come out since 2000?
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A Call For Contributors – Prose Before Hos…
Kenton Abundis…
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Another Title…
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A Call For Contributors – Prose Before Hos…
I does tweet bout creme brulee all de time!…