have you ever
Posted on December 11, 2005 in Articles
been bit by a hamster?
Because I was this weekend, and guess where? Right on my testicle.
Yes, thats right. As the little rodent scampered around my legs, it nestled into my boxers and chomp, there you go, I’m bleeding from my balls.
Also, check out what we’re going to furnish our apartment with. This will fit in our atmosphere of hamsters, blogs, bears, burritos, and avant garde art and beliefs.
$184 is a lot to be spending on humorous folding chairs.
112.99 rather
Alec, were you trying to put a hamster in your asshole again? You’re supposed to dip it in crisco before you attempt that, any true jew should know such a thing.
yah. im going to do it if i have a lot of disposable income. and yes, it was trying to burrow a ‘hole’
I saw this really great post today….