Author Archive

This Week’s Best of PBH

What is it about Friday that makes you want to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time? To help coax those emotions out in the open, here are some of the best posts featured on the PBH Network this week!

5. The Most Iconic Images of the 80’s


It’s hard to peg what exactly will define any period of time, but these images seem to stand out in the mind’s of those who survived the 80’s. There may not be any hair bands on our list, but we’re sure you’ll be just as impressed.

4. The Suburban Hardass Meme


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The Best Of PBH Network In 2012

The Best Of PBH Network In 2012

5. How Daniel Radcliffe Deals With Paparazzi


Even for former child stars who don’t wind up in rehab, dealing with the paparazzi can be quite rough. And while Harry of yesteryear doesn’t use dark magic against these Nikon-toting Death Eaters, his own defense methods are just as effective.

4. The Astounding Design Of Eixample, Barcelona


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Announcing The Speckled Axe

Speckled Axe Logo

We are proud to announce that we have launched an exciting new site devoted to politics, economics and culture: Speckled Axe. Getting its name from a passage in Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography on the pursuit of self-betterment, Speckled Axe is about providing the most relevant, compelling and shareworthy commentary and journalism to the internet’s most active participants.

We all know that the internet is full of opinions and perspectives, so what makes Speckled Axe special? We provide intelligence on what matters to an audience that knows the difference between meaningful and menial. Speckled Axe is about you, for you and its pieces are written by people like you. Read our articles, follow us on Tumblr and Twitter and engage with us on Facebook!


Write For The PBH Network’s New Website

Write For The PBH Networks New Website

The PBH Network is pleased to invite independent minded writers to apply for freelance writing positions in the following fields: political correspondence, international relations, economics, sports, and pop culture and music. Reaching over six million unique visitors a month, the PBH Network is a collection of five unique websites whose content ranges from politics to Internet culture. Currently, we seek writers for two of our sites: ProseBeforeHos and the Speckled Axe. The former is dedicated to the snarkier and more satirical side of politics; the latter is in the final stages of development but will be devoted to current events, politics, culture, and developments of national and international interest. We are looking for individuals who are consistent in quality and timeliness, able to work independently, and have a bold, confident and sophisticated tone that fits within our readers’ interests and mindset.

In addition to a brief introduction about yourself and your background, applicants should submit the following: two writing samples based on topics that you find appealing, your fields of interest and two potential article ideas about which you would like to write.

Please send requested materials to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!


Internship Opportunity With The PBH Network

Intern With The PBH Network

The PBH Network is pleased to offer internship opportunities designed for college students or young professionals who seek more experience in social media, online brand management, and content coordination and marketing. Interns will only need to work from a location with fast and reliable Internet access, and have the added benefit of drafting a schedule that corresponds with their availability. The primary tasks are day-to-day site maintenance and content promotion on various social networking platforms.

All applicants must have experience with social networking sites, a basic comprehension of image editing, and a strong interest in social media and online promotion.

We ask that all applicants submit the following:

– A detailed résumé.
– A one-page letter stating qualifications and what you are looking to gain from an internship.
– Any necessary documents for college credit.

Please send all application materials to [email protected].


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