Why WikiLeaks And Facebook Are The Future Of Global Politics

Facebook, WikiLeaks, And Global Political Change

He had the cops buying drugs on camera. Two plainclothes officers yanked Khaled Said from an Internet café in broad daylight. They dragged him into a dingy apartment lobby and smashed his head against an iron door, the stairs, and the wall. They left him there to die and thought that was that.

Khaled Said’s fate was sadly nothing new. His was simply the most recent and graphic in a long line of Egyptian police atrocities. But then something unusual happened. The grief went viral.

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We Don’t Want Your Body

a soliloquy from the men behind the curtains to the collective:

sometimes you find the one, sometimes you give it up
sometimes you do get broke, sometimes you be on need
sometimes its whats up, sometimes you play the fool
so now we’re getting all this money
so now we’re getting all this love
so now we’re living with no regrets
as we get over our vain scenesteresses


Admin Updates

Hey party people,

This is your admin speaking. As you may or may not have noticed, we have had a minor face lift. Specifically, a new logo along with a new navigation bar, to help you get your lulz. The new logo represents our dedication to gender equality and slapstick violence. The navigation bar helps you explore the fine collection of websites that make up the PBH network, as well as your sexuality. Let us know what you think and, more importantly, share your feelings and open up to us. We’re here for you, and always will be, we can get through this together.

We have some more exciting changes in the works, including doing more video and portaling. It will literally melt your face off, metaphorically speaking.

– Admin


I Get The Scumbag Steve Treatment

Alec Gets The Scumbag Steve Treatment

You reap what you sow. Mostly with Scumbag Steve.


Quick Hits For Your Hump Day

Obesity costs America a ton of money. Jack Lalanne pulled 70 boats filled with 70 people each… at age 70. Everyone loves to hate Scumbag Steve (and he’s back!). And don’t forget about his ol’ timey medieval ancestor, Scoundrel Stefano. This guy seems totally legit.


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