I get long lunch breaks with few readable materials, so today I was relegated to reading Forbes. And I’m reading and stumble upon this: Can We Afford Liberalism Now? by Paul Johnson. I’m assuming just another article about how fucked up Wall Street is and how we can’t overreact with too many regulations cuz unregulated capitalism rocks! Especially if you’re rich and like exploiting others! But, lo and behold, Paul Johnson has more for us in store:
The financial crisis, detonated by greed and recklessness on Wall Street and in the City of London, is for the West a deep, self-inflicted wound. The beneficiary won’t be Russia, which, with its fragile, energy-based economy, is likely to suffer more than we shall; it will be India and China. They will move into any power vacuum left by the collapse of Western self-confidence.
Sweet, so China will benefit and so will India. Interesting, maybe we’ll get an article about the coming shift in the global economic hegemony:
If we seriously wish to repair the damage, we need to accept that this is fundamentally a moral crisis, not a financial one. It is the product of the self-indulgence and complacency born of our ultraliberal societies, which have substituted such pseudo-religions as political correctness and saving the planet for genuine distinctions between right and wrong and the cultivation of real virtues.
Oh shit! Whole new ball game. It wasn’t greedy, fucked up old white men who ruined our economy. It was those fucking PC values. You heard right. Mother fucking PC values. Here we all are, trying to be all moral and shit, and here comes some tree hugger with his pseudo-religion about climate change and how we should respect other cultures. And boom, like that, the stock market crashed.
India and China are progress-loving yet morally old-fashioned societies. They cannot afford liberalism. Their vast populations have only recently begun to emerge from subsistence living. Their strength is in the close, hard-working family unit in which parents train their children to work diligently at school and go to university when possible so they can acquire real and useful qualifications to then go out into the world as professional men and women determined to reach the top.
China is so old-fashioned! Their brand of Marxism is sooooooooo 1930’s Soviet Union. I mean, come on, encouraging capitalist production and exploitation to foment continual proletarian rebellion in a yet-to-be developed nation where socialism is inhibited by the lack of capitalist infrastructure??? So old school, shit bitch.
In short, if you couldn’t tell, Paul Johnson is tired of America not being full of exploitable Chinese. Because owning exploitable Mexicans is like owning the Denver Broncos, when you really wanted the Dallas Cowboys. It just doesn’t feel the same.
[tags]paul johnson, forbes magazine, current events, can we afford liberalism, federal bailout, moron, environmentalists, climate change, pc, political correctness, columnist, worst column ever, blame liberals for wall street, economy, recession, greed[/tags]