NYC, Part Deux
Don’t feed the ego.

i’m knee deep in hipsters and the like (can you spot the Alec?):
You see the domain, and you think ‘One data time?’. This could be interesting… about DATA even. But you’re wrong. It’s not one data time, it’s one d at a time, and the d stands for dick. Yes, there are even blogs about sucking dick now. How much you want to bet it’ll be on the worst book of all time list (according to conservatives)?
In more depressing news, half of Americans still believe in WMD’s — they saw them on TV:
A recent Harris Poll reports found that while “the U.S. and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more U.S. adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005.”
Also, check out what a good showing on Reddit did for a new blog. And, in case you didn’t know, McDonald’s employees are not not doing anything to your food.
Should such prognosis’ be capitalized? Anyhow, I have deluged the adolescent minds with my thoughts, and more importantly, my seed:
Do you want to see Georgey give the German prime minister a back massage (and not enjoy it one bit?) Of course you do, because it’s creepy, and nothing is better than a head of state freaking out after being touched by the President of the US. The back massage may be as effective as Ralph Nader sending a letter to the President on the Lebanese crisis.
If you want to check out an amazing travel diary, see the NYTimes ‘Frugal Traveler’, which is updated approximately each week. It’s almost as good as being a domesticated hippie, clogging up the arteries of America with your slightly above average taste and wireless internet connections.
In the weird, what the fuck story of the day, THIS GIRL WAS RAISED BY DOGS. And she isn’t even in a freak show yet.
Is it Friday? Yes, yes it is. Just remember to blog and keep your job.