The Reemergence of the Iron Curtain

While the Bush administration has lost its ability to assert itself internationally, the void in cohesive diplomatic power combined with fluctuating energy markets has created the opportunity for problematic relationships to develop outside of the Western spheres. China, a country high on energy demand and human rights abuse, and Russia, supplier of ever more tainted and corrupt oil, have become important trading partners. With the United States and Great Britain’s involvement in Iraq, NATO’s deployment in Afghanistan, and the short-term reliance on Russian gas in continental Europe, China and Russia have built a viable economic partnership as both continually support undemocratic and rogue states. While this has not manifested into a full-fledged political partnership, both China and Russia are increasingly agreeing on international issues that demand multilateral efforts.

In the first three months of 2006, bilateral trade between Russia and China exceeded $12 billion or up 53% year-on-year, and “it is only a beginning,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the SCO meeting June 15-16. “We have discussed military-technical cooperation — the volumes are very large, worth billions of dollars — and we intend to sustain these volumes”. On the sidelines of the high-profile bilateral summit meetings at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) sessions, Russian and Chinese officials reiterated earlier pledges to develop trade and investment cooperation (Sergei Blagov, Jamestown Foundation). The foundation of the agreements have been China’s energy demand and the Russian ability to supply crude oil, with neither having issues with one another’s pocked human rights record. The economic agreements are strengthened by similar aspirations towards Iran and North Korea, with the West desperately seeking each diplomatic support.

On the question of Russia, concerns of autocracy, bullying of NGO’s and political opposition, and the movement away from democracy and free enterprise have been shelved by the reality of energy demands and the hosting of the G-8 conference in St. Petersburg As Pavel Baev of the Jamestown Foundation enumerates, “The main topic President Putin, in his capacity as chairman, has put forward for joint consideration is energy security — and this seemingly uncontroversial headline has evolved into an explosive and bitterly contested proposition. It has been established beyond any reasonable doubt that Russia defines its energy security interests in such a way that would maximize the political dividends derived from the fact that it is by far the largest producer of energy in the world” and that “In the last public events before the summit Putin has exuded a confidence that no unpleasant questions about Russia’s retreat from democracy will spoil the meticulously planned schedule of photo-ops, small talk, and long toasts. Meeting with the participants of a broad international forum of NGOs in Moscow, he asserted that the G-8 had neither the time nor the intention to discuss human rights.” Energy security, the trump card in international affairs currently, has been used by the Russians to evade all conversations about internal reform and forced the West to create more lenience in comprises with Putin on international efforts.

While Dick Cheney has been critical of Russian interference in former Soviet republics, Mr. Bush looks to take a more muted voice into the G-8 conferences. This extends to European countries as well, with the inability to broker a deal with Iran over nuclear ambitions a continual topic that will debilitate the conversation with Putin: “and for now a deal on Iran’s nuclear aspirations still remains within that category of “possible.” For European leaders it also makes perfect political sense not to irritate the extra-sensitive host. Everybody will be on their best behavior — but it is quite possible that the club of politically super-correct leaders will fall victim to this “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” ritual.”

In the Washington Post, Fred Hiatt notes what is really remarkable about the G-8 conference, “is that Putin has become a leader and an emblem of an active movement to combat the spread of democracy.” China and Russia do not only support anti-democratic regimes throughout the world, but actively support them. Hiatt speaks of the latest example, “last week of how the Kremlin has eliminated Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcasts from most Russian radio stations without formally banning the programming — instead harassing, insinuating and threatening to revoke licenses — provides a good example.”, and the mimicking and importing of anti-democratic practices in other nations, “And the rebounding dictators are learning from each other. In January, Putin signed legislation regulating nongovernmental organizations that will give 30,000 bureaucrats the option of revoking the registration of any troublesome group. Now Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe are pushing similar legislation. China reportedly sent researchers to Uzbekistan and other former Soviet states to compare notes on democracy countermeasures; meanwhile, Belarus’ dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, “reportedly acquired China’s latest internet monitoring and control technology while in Beijing in December 2005,” NED reported.” China and Russia, with the West unable to react, have had a free hand at reasserting their prominence within their spheres of influence and building political allies across the globe.

While the efforts of China and Russia have not been formalized beyond economics and trade, the increased cooperation of the two states means a new shift in the diplomatic arena. Russia, the closet partner in Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and China, the man behind the North Korean and Sudanese curtain, have been viewed as the key partners to restoring order to these hot button issues. And for that exact reason, anti-democratic efforts facilitated by Russia and China have not been checked as diplomatic and economic reality trump political ideals.

Originally posted on Publius Pundit


Ironed Breasts Blog Roundup

In the weird, ‘what the fuck’ news of the day, one in four girls in Cameroon are having their breasts ‘ironed’. It is done by parents worried about rape and sexual harassment. Think about that. Rape and sexual harassment have become such a problem that people are ironing their breasts to be less attractive.

Bligbi lists the top 10 reasons gay marriage will ruin society. I’ll give you a taste with my favorite: “Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.”

And in the Wikipedia entry of the day, have you heard of Godwin’s Law? The basic posit is that the longer a political discussion goes on, the more likely there is to be a comparison to Nazi’s. This is true, because if you don’t agree with me, you’re probably doing something exactly like the Nazi’s.

Speaking of Nazi’s, the Consumerist got their hands on some AOL internal memos following the customer service fiasco. Consumerist also speaks of how customer service representatives at AOL are forced to retain seventy percent of the members that call them if they want to keep their job. So, if you want to cancel your account, prepare to listen to infinite amount of reasons not to and then being hung up on.

Some of us are having trouble containing our happiness, even in the mainstream media, after Mr. Ken Lay went to eternal sleep. Also: Fuck Joe Lieberman (still).


per-active international Kontributionen! (An Addendum to German Remilitarization)

While I did not get selected as one of the best bloggers for the Atlantic Review Carnival Blog, I did get some interesting comments in reply to my article on German Remilitarization. Extrablog, a German blog, had the following to say (via Google Translation):

On the wood path: Prose Before Hos becomes enthusiastic for a perspective, which cannot more grotesque at all be. Germany must advance the militarization in the interest of its international diplomacy and social achievements and prepare the public for coming “per-active international Kontributionen” politically. Hey! Gringo! It is called not proactive internationally contributions, but complex mission far away from home with little support from the host nation.

The message can be deciphered fairly easy through the translation: my idea is pretty irrational for a society that has no interest in engaging in current world affairs on a military level (or simply, my idea cannot be more ‘grotesque’). I am a very liberal individual who is against America’s invasion of Iraq, but Germany could and should contribute more to the world peacekeeping force, either as a part of NATO or the UN. The question isn’t about conducting missions with the necessity of public support, but being involved with decisions made in international bodies and aiding current operations across the globe. I do not want to use the phrase ‘moral responsibility’, but on several levels the Germans should be compelled to act in areas like Darfur and Afghanistan. Obviously, this is not a task that only Germans face but many nations, including Spain, France, and other NATO nations that have been decidedly against American policies but still seeking a significant role in international affairs. While I understand his point that election politics stiffles the ability for a lot of countries to act decisively in current situations (see the election of Socialists in Spain), a proactive role in peacekeeping efforts is preferable to an isolationism that alienates both former and current allies.

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English language host: Davids Medienkritik
German language host: Extrablog
List of all submissions: Carnival Blog
Organized by: Atlantic Review



Blogs.. and you know.. like… whatever

It’s the first BLOG ROUNDUP, where I try to pull out the best entries from my favorite blogs across the ol’ internet. It will follow no distinct pattern but hopefully will pique your interests on several levels. If you’re interested in being considered or trading links, email me at [email protected]

In the greatest GOP news of the day, the Supreme Court upheld most of the Texas redistricting plan which “As a result of the new boundaries, Republicans picked up five House seats in Texas, emerging with 21-11 majority” (where they had previously were in the slim majority, 15 to 17). This can also be remarked as ‘the great white hope for maintaining a hegemony over the guise of democracy’. The Washington Post details the biggest winners and losers who were, as always, people with souls or hope for future prosperity.

The BBC blog talks about the reporting on Gaza and how difficult ‘neutrality’ is to come by. What is kidnapping, defense, offense, attacks, aggression from both sides? If you want to take an in-depth course on semantics in the media, try the spin used on the Israeli / Palestinian conflict in especially the United States media.

Atlantic Review — a site specializing on German American relations (and one who I wrote a piece for on German militarization also at PubliusPundit) — does a transatlantic roundup on the effects of Guantanamo on public relations and diplomatic efforts, the changing faces and views of the neocon movement, and a new development — German patriotism!

ESPN’s Bill Simmons has one of the funniest summaries of the NBA draft last night, including these choice tid bits:

I’m getting woozy. And not to nitpick with the Worldwide Leader, but instead of learning tidbits in the info graphics, “Childhood pastimes: Built treehouses, hunted squirrels and rabbits,” couldn’t we find out stuff like “SUV, Hummer or sports car?” and “Number of unemployed buddies who will be moving in with him?”

That’s followed by one more nasty look from Stern, then Utah taking a mortified Ronnie Brewer (who has a “Wait, isn’t that the city with no black people?” look on his face).

Also, Chris Matthews wrestles Stephen Colbert.


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