Stab Me In The Neck

A Haiku About These Sorts of People (victims of Yuppie Death March):


Suburban Girls
In Short Skirts, Free Sex
For Strong Drinks


Death Merchant!!!!

I don’t even have the energy to take a cheap shot. But a FOX NEWS ANCHOR, Tony Snow, is going to be the White House Press Secretary following the departure of Scott McClellan. I guess lubricating the Republican War Machine with delicious Astro-oil wasn’t fun enough in the private sector — time to take this propoganda machine to the MAN in the WHITE HOUSE! (Ok, I lied about the cheap shot). Last cheap shot: Wasn’t the job of Conservative Advocacy & Truth Denial contracted out to Fox News (insert swastika here) in the first place?

From Gawker:

His Fox News colleague Juan Williams, meantime, remains in negotiations to become Bush’s black press secretary.


sermons in my head


The following things were or were NOT accomplished in the past 5 days.

I went to spoken word in the U Street area on 420. The U Street area is my new favorite place because it is not overly gentrified and it does NOT look like the suburbs transposed to the Urban Environment. My favorite poem went something like this “Pork and white woman, Farrah Khan passes and OJ goes for seconds”. Actually, it was NOT my favorite but the one I remembered almost verbatim. You also said fuck you very loudly during the parts you were supposed to say Fuck You. I think I and everyone around us was impressed. Jeff also is starting a new band entitled ‘Jeff and the Embarrassments’ (or long title as Sex and the Single Coeds Who Were Transported from Their Comfy College Environment to a Slightly More Ambiguous Urban Surrounding).

I fell asleep watching ‘Dreamz’ like a child on her shoulder. I was NOT awoken until approximately 15 minutes left in the movie and with a horrible backache. It was NOT an organic experience.

The weekend itself was awesome, for all the right/wrong reasons. Alcohol and yuppie fun units were consumed. However, there was no discount even though we were buying in bulk for a large group of white, middle-class humanoids. I wish Adams Morgan could be converted into a theme park where fun units could be consumed.

Here are the pictures to prove that this weekend WAS in fact like every other weekend known to man in this tiny little biosphere:

This is me and some fellar. I am unsure what is going on. I am pretty sure it is illegal or overly-happy for no good gosh darn reason.

This is the significant other caught in the act. Initially it was believed she was with another male humanoid but it turned out to be my hidden persona — SOCIETY BOY! — so all is now “ca va”. Ca va bien, even. Let it be known this is NOT a mating call.

There was lots of interesting conversation. Did you know that urban designers saw the Mall as being a community environment in the urban landscape? But in the end it became a suburban phenomenon? Also, remember you were worried we were like them, and then I pointed out you had a black eye and found yourself covered in puke a few days before? You, my friend, are full of silliness and self-flagellation.

Sunday night was the end of the fire. Jeffrey, Cmart, and I attended a Soullive / Toots & The Maytails show at the 930 club in DC. It was outrageous. I am still on the losing end of that night. I am a corporate zombie. I am stuck inside my head and no one will let me out. Needless to say, I am firmly and completely burnt.



(it’s almost) 420 brah!!!!!!!

A fun contest over San Diego Serenade:

To win a copy of the DVD, as well as a nice “Got Reefer?” shirt, just post a comment detailing your ideal 4/20 song, or your best related experience. I’ll pick one at random and send the winner the DVD and the shirt, hopefully in time for Thursday’s festivities. The Contest will end at 3 PM California time on Tuesday the 18th.

I already submitted mine, which was that the first time I got stoned, I ended up spending the night masturbating and listening to the Cure (at the same time).


Aw, I missed it

Welp, I missed it.

Seventeen sit-in participants arrested for trespassing. I was in Boston (which was amazing, but more on that later), but would have loved to have participated if I was in the Charlottesville area.

In my opinion, the living wage campaign is very good natured and was one of the main points that convinced me that Ralph Nader was the man in 2000. Even with benefits and what other ‘fringe’ benefits allow others to disregard current wages, under ten dollars an hour for a public employee at a top 20 university is NOT right, even if it is unskilled labor.

For main stream media coverage of the demonstrations, check out the Washington Post’s article.


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