in the office today

#1 a blind person
#2 a 8 year old girl

Are either of these people on the payroll? I wouldn’t be surprised if the government is being billed 55 dollars an hour for administrative support for both of these people.


Thanks for the free gross out

Some wonderful things you get to hear in the bathroom:

A man hemmoraging himself while in the toilet. I am not comfortable in being an enclosed space with another male moaning.

Two men chit chatting to each other about coitus while urinating.

Is this sexual harassment? When do I get to cash in?


How to Make Friends at Bars, Part 1

Arrive with girl. Proceed with girl to make acquaintances with two random people. Begin dancing.


Somebody explain this

Do I truly live on this planet?


New Blogs

Piercing Glares, Inticing Stares is a faux Missed Connections. This will contain humorous letters of lost love (albeit made up).

Depths of My Soul is a comical outlook on the proliferation of emo websites, the writing of melodramatic prose, and the general feel-sorry-for-me culture that has overwhelmed the pop charts and the hearts of the susceptible.

Expect more funny blogs in the future like Mr. Mailbox, your neighborhood bum, in the near future.

The Management


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