Temporary hero

My hero: Bret Chenkin, a social studies and English teacher at Mount Anthony Union High School, said he gave the quiz to his students several months ago. The quiz asked students to pick the proper words to complete sentences.

One example: “I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, hence insuring him Republican votes.” “Coherent” is the right answer.


Radar’s Bon Bon

A funny/gross thing happened this morning Black Friday. My dog is getting older and has been doing strange things haha. This morning I was the first one up because I was the only one that couldn’t take off from work. I was drinking a cup of milk still trying to wake up, as my dog moved more towards the door and looked at me, (this ussually signals he wants to go out to do his business) but a lot of times he fakes just so he can sniff around. I was in a hurry so I kept drinking my milk, when a bon bon shaped large turd popped out of him. Haha, he heard it hit the ground looked back, then looked back at me.. saying see I told you with his eyes. You win already I said in my head I’ll take you out, I guess he really did have to go.

P.S. I thought about leaving it for my dad, haha.


Post #101 and Some Updates

We have reached post #101. It took 3 months and a lot of development. But we’re here and this site is finally getting to where it needs to be.

Things to look for:

You can now email posts to your friends. The site has also been widened, design has been generally cleaned up, posts per author on the front page are limited to 1, Google Ads have been added.

Next big steps: all authors will be ‘categorized’, or at least sorted. There will be a rating system, and more ‘personality’ blogs will be added, as well as ‘dailies’.

Thank you to everyone involved in this project and people spreading the word about this site. I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts.
If you need to contact the management here, you can email PBH at [email protected].


Those clowns

Boss: This is the DJ 3000. It plays CDs automatically, and it has three distinct varieties of inane chatter.
[presses a button]
DJ 3000: [stilted] Hey, hey. How about that weather out there?
Woah! _That_ was the caller from hell.
Well, hot dog! We have a weiner.
Bill: Man, that thing’s great!
Marty: _Don’t_ praise the machine!
Boss: If you don’t get that kid an elephant by tomorrow, the DJ 3000gets your job.
[Marty punches it]
DJ 3000: Those clowns in congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.
Bill: [laughs] How does it keep up with the news like that?


Dearest Dad

As I’ve been living at home I’ve come to realize how ridiculous it is to have freedom during college and come back to being under parental rule once again. Of course you can still demean your younger sister, but has certainly lost its luster.. The real topic here is the dad. Over the course of the Summer and there have been a few random incidents that were awkward and also hilarious w/my father.

My dad knows that I am into Japanese everything so he asked one of his co workers if he could borrow this cult classic japanese film, Called Tetsuo the Iron Man. This film is ridiculous, we deffinetly did not finish it. At one moment you see some crazy guy in a metal cage the next he’s shoving iron into his legs blood everywhere. There is no story line minus that there is a guy and a girl and the previous crazy guy in a metal cage who doens’t make sense. The more awkward moments w/my dad came when the woman came in to play. In black and White she basically wields a gigantic metal parts assorted penis and slams about 4 feet into this guys butt… ya this is much worse than watching the latest kotex period commercial w/ur parentals.. o it gets better though. Then that turned out to be a dream only to be the preview to my next nightmare of awkwardness w/my father.. Let me just say I don’t get weirded out to easy but this was ridiculous.. The next part is basically Tetsuo and her having sex all hot and black and white steamy like… then his face breaks out w/metal pieces and assorted metal products keep adhering to his body…This is the kicker though, finally about a 2 foot long foot wide penis pops out of his pants and starts spinning like a top, he tries to pursue his once horny lover while she fights his drill like dick off w/a frying pan. Luckily around this time my mom and sister walked and I said welp I’m goign to my room now dad.

Recently actually just a minute ago my dad started yelling at me asking if i used the toilet I yelled back no, then my mom said she did, then he replied well i flushed it and all the stuff flowed over onto me.. Then I see him half naked peering from the door yellling at my mom “plunger this… plunger that put a sign on it ….ridiculous!”…. the shower starts….haha home life is ridiculous.


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