Portrait of a young man as an anonymous banker

We’re excited to say that we managed to get a great response to the first part of this series, as it was featured on one of DC’s hottest morning shows: Kane in the Morning on Hot 99.5! So back by popular demand is our Travel Special: Land of the Sheep.
The investigation into the backers of GodTube is not yet completed, but we do expect to bring new and exclusive information to you soon, so “don’t touch that dial” as they say in radio land.
Today I’d like to invite my followers into the Church of the iPod. Our pastor is teaching the theology of the iPod and Apple. Specific topics include creating trendy trinkets, wasting countless dollars on materialistic consumer goods, and listening to Christian Rap. This guy has a winner. Apparently this is a 30 second spot for an actual sermon series that took place last year in Houston. Rock on GodTube!
This week the travel editor will be comin’ at ya like Cleopatra as your shepherd into the Land of Sheep. Thanks to our good friends over at Shoutmouth for cluing us into this layup of a story.
First, the background. There’s a new social video service, a la YouTube out there on the block named GodTube: Broadcast Him. To date, we’re unsure of the specific financiers of the station although the initial media buzz surrounding this story has reportedly been sponsored by conservative powerhouse, FOXNews. As soon as we have a few minutes, you can guarantee we will be conducting a full expose into the real backers, but until then, we’ll just let you wonder (Ted Haggard’s meth sponsored penance?)
Each day we’ll be bringing you a sampling of some of the great stuff we find there. Don’t be scared that you won’t enjoy it if you aren’t a devout Christian. But DO be scared that it’ll start forcing you to think about the goddamn issues and pick up a bible. Whether you like it or not.
Here’s our first clip, a derivative on one of my favorite tracks of all time. We’ll call this one: Baby Got Bible. Choice lines include: “So ladies… Ladies… Do you wanna save people from hades?” And after watching this, DEFINITELY.
1. carte blanche
unconditional authority.
I gave my boyfriend carte blanche. He can fuck me anyway he wants.
Sounds about right to me. Thumbs up… and high five!
Today the Supreme Court will hear the case of “Juneau, Alaska public schools” v. “Bong Hits 4 Jesus”. That’s not the real name, but it’s close enough so that no-one is confused about the litigants.
The essence of the case is that in 2002, Joseph Frederick, a high school student, brought a large fold-out sign to an Olympic torch rally held across from his high school as it crossed the US on the way to the Salt Lake City Games. The sign was not, in fact, supportive of the great Olympic spirit, a particular athlete, or one of town pride… It simply said: “Bong Hits 4 Jesus”. Simple, yet effective.
Anyway, his principal spotted the sign, ran across the road, and tore it down and crumpled it up. Not completely satisfied, he then suspended Joseph for 5 days… and doubled the penalty when Joe came to school and used the words of Thomas Jefferson as defense. Chaos ensued… and today the High Court will hear this case. Go Joseph.
Now, I’ll save the legal analysis here for one of the more “intellectual” or “political”-minded PBH-ers… What I’ve come to do today is to recreate this event in a digital manner. My principal will certainly not be tearing down my sign or crumpling it, but I have a fear we may end up in a firestorm or causing political protests. But… I have faith in my legal system and that the court will rule in Joseph’s and our favor today. And… so in good faith I present: