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Acting Premier of Cuba and Kazakh Reporter Team to Fix Transport

Acting president of Cuba, Raoul Castro, has enlisted the help of world-renowned Kazakh television reporter, Borat Sagdiev to promote plans to improve Cuba’s transportation system. Borat, of course, is well known for spurring an activist movement in his own country with the song, “In my country there is problem…”

Raoul has always been impressed with the fast pace of development in this Central Asian republic and marvels at both the newly formed transport system, as well as the number of Jews thusly thrown into wells. Let’s hope that Borat can help to bring about the same type of changes in the communist state of Cuba.

Raoul Castro Urges Transport Plan


Poles in bid to make Jesus Christ King of Poland

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus is NOT a Komodo Dragon. Not even close.

Today, the BBC brings us the tale of a group of Polish MPs, who have submitted a bill seeking to proclaim the one and only JC king of their (as the article notes) overwhelmingly Catholic country. Apparently, if the bill becomes law, Jesus will follow in the path of the Virgin Mary, who was declared honorary queen of Poland a staggering 350 years ago.

One might think that based on the Virgin Mary precedent, Jesus would be a sure shoe-in. Then again, this guy is the King of the Jews. Let’s leave it that way, huh?


Polish MPs bid to make Jesus king


Kenyan Tourism Part 2

For those regular readers who may have noticed this burgeoning young (unofficial?) travel editor providing unparalleled insight into “off-the-road” destinations and situations, we bring another fine piece for those interested in following up on our earlier suggestion of Kenya as a suitable vacation-land.

In fact, it seems that there is a bustling underground economy, or bribery, as those stateside might think to call it. The author explains:

Swahili-speakers can take advantage of another ambiguous term. In Kenya a machine-gun-wielding guard suggested to a terrified Canadian aid worker: “Perhaps you would like to discuss this over tea?” The young Canadian was relieved: the difficulty could be resolved with some chai, which means both “tea” and “bribe”.

Well, readers, in search of underage sex workers, machine-gun-wielding overlords DO hold the key to your destiny… even if it sounds as simple as an oldfashioned tea-party.

The etiquette of Bribery


In other news…

For all of you PBHers who are into the sex tourism industry, and by into I mean the nipples in the above picture are recognizable… don’t be deterred by high airfare to Thailand and other southeastern asian economies. For sex tourists looking for the next bargain destination (and who isn’t these days?), Kenya provides!

Tourists fuel Kenya’s Sex Boom


Maria Sharapova enters into legally binding wager with King James

Tennis star Maria Sharapova has resolved to run more miles than “King” LeBron James in January as part of an ill-conceived Nike+Apple+ publicity stunt. Sharapova explained that if she lost to “the King”, she would let LeBron and his entourage/posse teach her how to play doubles. If LeBron somehow lost, she also planned to teach him how to play doubles.

The Stunt


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