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Free Market Organs

In the world of corporate sponsored think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has taken the cake for capitalistic chivalry. A recent AEI event discussed the idea of utilizing free market forces for the national organ system.

Think about that again: they are suggesting that receiving and distributing ORGANS should be decided within a free market system. As AEI pragmatically states:

Although donor altruism is an inspiring virtue, generosity as public policy falls short. Panelists at this event will discuss incentives, including payment, as a viable remedy to enhance the supply of lifesaving organs.

In a nutshell: your liberal, wishy-washy ideals are nice and all, but us rich people deserve unhindered access to your delicious organs through the guise of free market access. Basically, who would get organs are those who could pay for them, and if you can’t pay enough for one, well, than you probably don’t care enough or don’t deserve it in the first place. It’s the ultimate vision of Dick Cheney’s America: you are only worth how much you have in your bank account.


A Government Interns 3 Step Guide to Becoming Famous

#1. Procure internship in White House or Congress, attend local intern gatherings, and get your fat lips around as many male membranes as possible
#2. Blog about it.
#3. Get caught blogging about said mouth around said male membranes, and watch the endorsements and book deals pile up.


A Hurricane Katrina Museum Exhibit Defiled

On Saturday, I went to the National Building Museum, which had an exhibit entitled “Newer Orleans: A Shared Space” that dealt with rebuilding plans to merge economic, social, and racial groups so that strafication would be minimized in the future.

The exhibit was small and innovative, though it is difficult to imagine implementation of a lot of strategies that seem to solve a lot of problems facing American society just through urban planning. Some interesting portions included a TV showing Dutch coverage of Hurricane Katrina — mainly, a journalist interviewing a couple of young Caucasian woman trying to escape New Orleans by fleeing on foot via the highways. Most of their answers revolved around ‘fuck them, they don’t give a shit about us’ (language actually used). Further, there were a few pictures of New Orleans before, during, and after the Hurricane, including a couple of pictures of corpses floating in the streets.

However, the portion of the exhibit most noteworthy was a guest-book left in the exhibition with approximately 30 entries, most coming from children wishing good things for New Orleans. But the other entries were filled with things like racial slurs, disdain for politics and politicians, and a general sense of malaise:

“Another legacy of the Bush Administration”, “the hurricane cleansed New Orleans of undesirable elements. Thank God for that!”

“Bush treats black people like animals”

“dirty words and pictures of dead niggers is not proper for a family museum. Shame on you!”, “Shame on who?”

The funny part of this exhibit is though some of it had vulgar language, the intent was to show design that would break down barriers that are pervasive in American society and highlighted in the Katrina disaster. Further, the most positive and uplifting message came from children who had seen the exhibit. Yet the only one’s that could not disentangle themselves from their own judgments of the event were adults, who insisted on defiling the exhibit rather than impart its wisdom.


Death Merchant!!!!

I don’t even have the energy to take a cheap shot. But a FOX NEWS ANCHOR, Tony Snow, is going to be the White House Press Secretary following the departure of Scott McClellan. I guess lubricating the Republican War Machine with delicious Astro-oil wasn’t fun enough in the private sector — time to take this propoganda machine to the MAN in the WHITE HOUSE! (Ok, I lied about the cheap shot). Last cheap shot: Wasn’t the job of Conservative Advocacy & Truth Denial contracted out to Fox News (insert swastika here) in the first place?

From Gawker:

His Fox News colleague Juan Williams, meantime, remains in negotiations to become Bush’s black press secretary.


Call Out

this is the dead-end lifestyle we lead:

you lavish yourself with expensive gifts, pay a rediculously expensive rent,flaunt your UVA hat as much as possible…..all this for what. To live paycheck to paycheck spending each one of your miserable days infront of a fucking spreadsheet, completely alienating yourself from whats really going on. And then you get your big reward, when you get to go out every weekend and talk about the most trivial shit with a bunch of yuppie fucks while drinking your overpriced vodka and tonics and stare and unnactractive girls and then go home and JO to them while you put warcraft on pause.


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