Author Archive

America’s Pre-Existing Medical Condition

Your claim for health care reform was denied:


See Also: Shoot Me Now, Something New On Health Care: Deal-Breakers From The President, Dispatches From the Health Care War, A Big Thumbs Down, Mike Enzi, Good Faith Negotiator, The Guns of August, and Why the Republican Right Was So Adept at Using Them on Health Care, Money-Driven Medicine – The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much, and Survey USA: 77% Favor Public Option in Health-Insurance Reform.

[tags]health care reform, americas pre-existing condition, americas preexisting condition, americas condition, big business, congress, lobbying, corruption, money, political cartoon, comic, image[/tags]


Barack Obama, The Nazi Socialist Communist Muslim

barack obama nazi communist socialist muslim

With exhibit A below:


[tags]barack obama, muslim, islam, islamofascist, fascist, nazi, national socialist, socialist, socialism, communist, communism, hitler[/tags]


Barack Obama’s Real Birth Certificate

After much trudging around the heart of Black Muslim Africa, I finally have found Barack Obama’s real birth certificate:

Barack Obamas Secret Black Muslim Kenyan Birth Certificate

See Also: Happy Birther Day, When The Birthers Are Embarrassed By You.., Forged Kenyan Document Splinters ‘Birther’ Movement, She’s Nuts! ORLY? YARLY!, I Think…, Obama’s born identity: Claims that Obama’s presidency is illegitimate are getting out of hand, Birthers Helping President Obama & Liberal Democrats Dodge Responsibility For Their Policy Failures, and What Birthers Really Want To Say Outloud.

[tags]barack obama, kenyan birth certificate, is barack obama muslim, obama birth certificate, muslim, black, kenyan, not america, barack obama is not american, picture, image, birth certificate, birthers[/tags]


Capitalism In A Nutshell

Capitalism in a Nutshell Comic

The worker works, the capitalist barks, and the inequality created is just a wonderful representation of the different abilities given to human beings. Right?

[tags]capitalism in a nutshell, comic, cartoon, how capitalism works, what is capitalism, workers, capitalists, owners[/tags]


The Obama Administration And Indefinite Detentions

Looks like I was onto something when I said the Obama’s administration is using the same legal justification as George Bush’s to detain ’suspected war criminals’. Remember when we elected Barack Obama on promises to end torture and close Guantanamo Bay, but then when Obama was elected, he decided it would be a lot easier to just keep pursuing Bush’s policies? Because I do:

The Obama administration said in court papers Friday that it intends to continue to detain an Afghan prisoner being held at Guantanamo Bay despite the fact that the only known evidence against him in a habaeas corpus lawsuit he filed against the government was obtained through torture.

Justice Department attorneys told a federal court judge last week it wasn’t going to rely upon that evidence to justify his indefinite imprisonment…

Read the entire article from The Public Record on the Obama administrations efforts to legally justify the indefinite detention of ‘terror suspects’, even if they have no evidence.

See Also: Terrorism trials should be held in US federal courts, Judge Admonishes DOJ Over Handling of Gitmo Detainee’s Habeas Challenge, Their Own Private Guantánamo, President Obama, Delayer In Chief, Obama task force backs indefinite detention without trial, and Prisons in Afghanistan.

[tags]indefinite detention, legal suspects, innocent, guantanamo bay, justice department, obama administration, barack obama, bush administration, torture, george bush, torture policy, detention policy, guantanamo bay policy, indefinite imprisonment, war criminals[/tags]


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