Author Archive

The NSA’s Biggest Mistake

NSAs Biggest Mistake

Just goes to show what getting the short end of the stick can really do to a fella.


Obama’s Snowden Hypocrisy

Obama Snowden

I think “doing what this moment demands” just meant voting Barack Obama into the White House.


The Sad State Of American Political “Activism”

American Political Activism

Low risk activism–which is apparently the only acceptable kind these days–reaps a low-level reward…which is, of course, precisely the point.


Sean Hannity, Partisan Hack

Sean Hannity Hypocritical Hack


John Boehner And OJ Simpson, Unlikely Bedmates

Boehner Loves America

He loves it so much that he and his cohorts have tried to strangle its economy with their intransigence, then point the finger to someone else when it fails to be resuscitated.


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