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Your Handy Dandy GOP Translator

GOP Translator

The 2014 elections are on their way, so why not prep for it with this crash course in GOPese? NB: don’t blame the translator for the shitty translations; blame the shitty source language.


A Vision Of Our Economy

Economy Wasteland Photo

But the Keystone Pipeline will create jobs, man…


No Cuts To Congress?

Sequester Cuts

The sequester was the hideous, Frankenstein-esque monster of their dreams. And yet, it is everyone else who must suffer due to Congress’ (recent) obsession with the deficit.


Two Drags, Two Majorly Different Consequences

Drag Joints

Alas, there is money to be made off incarcerating individuals for nonviolent crimes.


The Best Nick Anderson Cartoons To-Date

Nick Anderson Margaret Thatcher

Currently serving the Houston Chronicle as editorial cartoonist, Nick Anderson delves deep into every facet of American politics and culture, providing readers all over the world with his cutting and ever-critical perspective that often says more in a few lines and colors than a 1,000-word article in the New York Times. There’s a reason why this guy has won a Pulitzer Prize.

Nick Anderson GOP Rebranding

Nick Anderson Eric Holder

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