Mapping Out The Uninsured
If they try the whole secession thing again, I say we save time and resources by just letting them die by their own uninsured hand.
If they try the whole secession thing again, I say we save time and resources by just letting them die by their own uninsured hand.
I wonder what Rudy’s thoughts are on Vixen’s right to choose.
An imminent threat of chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and the Middle East, but a different administration. Hopefully we think more critically this time.
The common thread is that only America should be the delusional nation able to have a love affair with weapons; almost always at everyone else’s–and even our own–expense.
Todd Akin. Mitt Romney. Newt Gingrich. This year, political punchlines certainly weren’t in short supply. As the year comes to a close, let’s take a look back on the momentary gaffes now eternalized through ink and newsprint.