Author Archive

Job Security In Congress

Congress Approval Rating

In a shaky economy, it’s those largely responsible who rest the easiest. Must be nice.


The Reasoning Behind Wall Street’s Madness

Making Bets On Wall Street

As Noam Chomsky says, there’s low risk in investment when the potential loss is almost always socialized.


Captain Industry Versus…The World!

Captain Industry Versus Union Man Cartoon

Those knavish, scheming union workers. How is Captain Industry supposed to afford that third yacht if they keep demanding their rights?


The 2012 Republican Ideological Survival Suit

2012 Republican Ideology Suit

It may very well be impervious to reason and to Sharia law, but tell me — can it survive the looming Fiscal Cliff?


The Plight Of The Modern CEO

Butthurt CEOS In America

The lament of the 1%: Instead of earning around 200 times the salary of the average worker, they might earn 150. Yet another example of Barack Obama killing the American dream.


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