Author Archive

Lindsey Graham Has Solved The Ukraine Crisis

Obama Benghazi Ukraine

Only quintessentially American arrogance would lead one to assume that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and annex Crimea to maintain Russia’s sphere of influence over its former Soviet member states would have anything to do with a US president’s response to a diplomatic disaster in Libya. Here and we were thinking it was “The Hunger Games” being snubbed for a Best Picture nomination.


FOX News’ New Slogan

FOX Slogan


FOX News And Journalistic Integrity

Journalistic Integrity

Ain’t that the truth.


The Battling Spheres Of Influence

Spheres Of Influence

WTF, Russia: there’s only one superpower that can use its military and economic might to control the fates of other countries.


Food Stamp Cuts Hurt You, Too, Walmart

Food Stamp Cuts

So the greedy poor lose out on some monthly crumbs. But in that swift stroke of, err, fiscal conservatism, that means that those extra crumbs won’t be spent at the Walmarts of the world. And guess what, guys? There are a helluva lot of poor people ISO federal-doled crumbs in the US. Around 47 million of them. Your loss.


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