Author Archive

GOP Negative Campaign Ads Broken Down

GOP Negative Campaign Ads Broken Down

It’s time for GOP candidates to cease the self-righteous blathering about the destructive power of negative campaign ads. Especially when, as the New York Times points out they spend so much money on churning out the same stuff.


GOP Tax Plans: The Breakdown

GOP Tax Plans: The Breakdown

As GOP presidential candidates clamor incessantly about their tax plans to save America, Mother Jones’ Kevin Drum breaks down their plans in this handy and revealing series of graphs. Consider yourself enlightened.


Watching Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Rates By President And Party Graph

200,000 jobs were added to the economy in December. Here’s a look at the oscillating unemployment rates coded by the residing president’s party affiliation starting in 1989. Interesting patterns.


Growth For Libya After All?

Growth For Libya After All?

After the fall of the Gaddafi regime, Libya’s economy is poised to grow faster in 2012 than any other.


This Space Available: Moderate Republicans

This Space Available: Moderate Republicans

So, where exactly have moderate Republicans gone?


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