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Jon Mann

Now really, How can Mel Gibson be upset with Jon Mann?


Science You’ve Outdone Yourself

First, go here:

Click on ā€œimagining the ten dimensionsā€ and watch the video. Seeā€”you gottaā€™ do a little homework to get this post.

Now you can mind dance with me. We dance the tango. Iā€™ll lead.

Iā€™m a big fan of theoretical science. Butā€”and I think the evolution skeptics will agree with me hereā€”the string theory, or M theory (the basis for the flash movie) is just theory. And in fact, I have no qualms with the characteristics of most of the dimensions outlined in the flash presentation or really the notion that there are more than four dimentions. It may be a little tought to conceptualize, but I don’t take much objection.

This shouldnā€™t surprise anyone as Iā€™m not a Theoretical Physicist, but something didnā€™t sit right with me when the movie explained the fifth dimension. According to the String theory, the fifth dimension exhibits all different timelines based on infinite variations of the Big Bang existence. It basically says that there are multiple other worlds in which you and I and everything else range from slightly to totally fuckin’ differentā€”which brings me to free will.

The question is, ā€œDo we have free will?ā€ And the answer, as I see it, is, ā€œNo.ā€

Two twins are separated at birth. They do not know that they are twins. They do not know they are siblings. They live in completely different areasā€”different cultures. When they are middle aged they meet. It turns out they have strikingly similar characteristics. Their mannerisms are the same. Their taste in women is the same. They like the same books, movies, and cars.

This has happened. This has happened more than once. And the phenomenon doesnā€™t just occur with twins, though it is most pronounced with them. Theyā€™re so similar that the only way to account for it is to conclude that genetics play a role in our identities.

The x factor in these twin situations that makes them different at all is environment. There are some environmental factors that inevitably play into a personā€™s identity. Whether it be a traumatic accident or the death of a loved one or even something as simple as getting coffee in the morning, these thing effect us and the way we act in much the same way our genetics do.

So if a personā€™s environmental factors could be understood completely and their genetic factors could be understood completely, then that personā€™s every action could be predicted and thus free will would become merely an illusion.

But if everything can be predictedā€”if we are on this path that is the relationship between genetics and environmentā€”If existence is just, as Modest Mouse Says, a “Math Equation”ā€”then how are their an infinite number of timelines to our existence?

Now, I used to think that believing that Jesus was the son of god born to a virgin, that he walked on water along with a slew of other unlikely ruckus, then dyed, resurrected, went to hell and then to heaven, was tough to commit to. But Science, well, looks like youā€™ve outdone god again.

…dont get me wrong I still take science over jesus Im juts saying’


The Greener Grass Syndrome

A while back, my high school hosted Law Day. Law Day is a day where seniors spend 3 hours rotating between various guest speakers whose occupations deal with the law in some way.

My favorite speaker was a professor at George Mason University by the name of Hawke. He specialized in the foundations of America especially the constitution and its underpinnings.

It was all very enthralling. He talked about the relationship between political culture and our rightsā€”how when rights are eroded it is difficult to maintain them because it changes the political culture on which rights are protected.

All that is very interesting to me, but what struck me as most interesting about his presentation was a comment he made about the change communication has had on economics dispersion. He said that the huge difference between now and a century ago is not the fact that there are haves and have-notsā€”they have always been. It was rather the fact that now, because of media prevalence, the have-nots see exactly what the haves have. It is shoved in front of their faceā€”marketed to them in such a way that what becomes important are not characteristics integral to the person, but instead the products presented for consumption.

Itā€™s the greener grass syndrome.


Minorities, eh?

Iā€™d like to emphasize before I get into this how much I hate white people.

That being said, I think itā€™s important to understand that people arenā€™t inherently bad. Criminals arenā€™t born criminals etc..

The way I, and a large portion of the psychological community, see it, people are products of two things commonly referred to as nature and nurture. Thereā€™s a certain degree to which genetics (nature) plays a role in determining personality and mannerisms, but I think there is a larger degree to which a person’s environment (nurture), affects development.

Nurture is kind of a misnomer, because our environment has, for the most part, been far from nurturing. However, the environment, as it is, has been most callous, in my opinion, to the minorities of the world. Itā€™s a statistical fact that minorities, at least in America, succeed at a lesser rate. This cannot be, and is not, an inherent affliction of people with certain skin colors. Itā€™s a social complex that is a big part of our (ahem) nurturing.

That complex has many roots. I believe, the most pertinent of these roots to this issue is the human tendency to compartmentalize, especially under socially stressful situations.

The youthful mind doesnā€™t like change or differences. We cry when we are deprived of the warmth of the womb, we are upset when our parents exhibit unexpected or unknown characteristics, and, certainly, we donā€™t deal well with differences amongst our peers.

So, when people encounter differences as noticeable to the senses as race, they are highly susceptible to categorizing (stereotyping). And since often times these encounters occur in socially anxious situations, the categorization tends to be negative as a result of one’s fear or discomfort.

Mentally, people assign categorical roles to things (like people) based on their categorical prejudices. These prejudices oftentimes lead those who are assigned such roles to fulfill them. Itā€™s very much like peer pressure, but instead of the goodie two shoes being pressured into smoking weed based on common usage, the fat kid gets pressured into eating gross things because simple-minded people think fat kids like to eat everything. In the same way, minorities tend to fall into certain negative roles based upon common, negative expectations.

So, choice is a funny thing. Do people choose who they are? Or do social and inherited factors lead them to a certain self? I think itā€™s a little of column ā€œAā€ and a little of column ā€œB,ā€ but behavior amongst the various types of people should definitely be looked upon with more compassion and understanding. Hopefully with a little mindfulness, we can nurture our environmentā€”our societyā€”into a more nurturing entity. Whuddya say?

Oh yeah, Just kidding about that white people comment. Sorta


A Few of My Thoughts On Executive Orders

I donā€™t like executive orders in principal because it sets an easily abused exercise of powerā€”one man being able to order an executive branch agency to do whatever he wants. Whatā€™s worse is it subverts legislative action in a way that consolidates power into the hands of one man, which is very disconcerting. We donā€™t live in a monarchy. We arenā€™t electing dictators. Weā€™re electing presidents who are governed by laws. Theyā€™re subject to checks and balances.

On the other hand Lincoln was jolly righteous in freeing the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation and so was Truman when he desegregated the military. It certainly provides a way to take actions quickly which is what needed to be done in Lincolnā€™s and Trumanā€™s positions.

I guess I would say it should be conducted only as a last resort in an effort to further the constitutionally accepted civil liberties of Americans. For instance executive orders which infringe on the constitutional rights of others (interment camps/spying) are no noā€™s where this brothaā€™ is concerned.


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