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Chinese Build 30-Story Hotel In 15 Days

Meanwhile, we’re still recovering from Katrina.


Crashing The Superbowl With A Homemade Doritos Ad

Doritos Crash The Superbowl Contest

It’s almost everyone’s favorite time of year! No, I’m not talking about Christmas, but the NFL playoffs. The epic four weeks of guts and glory pits the best teams in the football, culminating in America’s most-celebrated past-time: the Super Bowl (I’m still waiting for Obama to make the Monday after a national holiday). Billions across the globe will circle around glowing televisions, devour thousand of calories in nachos and beer, and watch one of the best sporting events on the planet.

The Super Bowl also brings out some of the best creative juices, as all of those eyeballs have become a major locust for brands. Some may argue that the advertisements during the Super Bowl have become as big as the Super Bowl itself. Personally, I still long for the day when the hand-puppet could make his triumphant return to the big screen.

Taking user generated content to the next level, DORITOS held a gigantic Crash The Super Bowl contest where everyday people submitted their original content to potentially be aired as a Super Bowl commercial. Now thousands of entries have been narrowed down to a slim 5, who will go head-to-head beginning on January 4th for nacho-cheesy supremacy. Bookmark the site, because for every 100,000 votes DORITOS receives, a lucky voter will receive $10,000 in sweet DORITOS cash, up to a maximum of $100,000!


John McCain: Whoops, I Meant Romney For President

Time for someone to retire.


George Carlin On The American Dream

As usual, the late comedian offers prophetic words on corporate lobbying and the broken system that we practice today.


Mitt Romney: ‘He Might Create Jobs, Just Not In The United States’

Two steelworkers tell their story about how they lost their jobs when Mitt Romney and Bain Capital took over the steel plant in Kansas City and eventually shut the place down.


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