Author Archive

“Wait, What’s New Mexico?” -Dumbass American

Oh, America. You never cease to disappoint me. Ahmadinejad looks like Osama bin Laden? Sure.


2002 Romney Video: Oh, How Times Have Changed

It must be an exhausting process to go through an identity crisis while running for President. Here’s a video of his more progressive self some years ago. Wonder when he’ll come to the surface again.


The Polyglot GOP

Michele Bachmann may have dropped out of the race, but she’s still one tough “hombre-ette.” And Mitt Romney speaks French? Oui, oui!


One Dingbat’s Views On A Fellow Dingbat

Sarah Palin finds something to admire in Ron Paul. If only we could find something to admire in her.


Rick Santorum Confronted About Kids


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