Author Archive

Tavis Smiley On Poverty In America

The great commentator Tavis Smiley comments on American poverty.


Richard Wilkinson On Economic Inequality

Famed researcher on social and health inequalities gives his take on another inequality that plagues the minds of many Americans today: economic inequality.


Rick Santorum Arguing With Student On Gay Marriage

In addition to a poor taste in fashion (re: sweater vests), Rick Santorum also has poor taste in confronting college students with his equally poor levels of morality.


Ten Great Political Gaffes

There is Rick Perry’s famous “oops” moment. Cain’s “Uzbeki-eki-ekistan” mess. Here are some more gaffes that might tickle your fancy.


The Best Ron Paul Soundbites

Despite the recently controversial nature of Ron Paul’s written work, some of his sound bites are also a bit troubling. But also hilarious.


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