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Why Occupy Wall Street Exists

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Slavoj Žižek On What It Means To Be A Revolutionary

Instead of asking the obvious question “Is the idea of communism still pertinent today, can it still be used as a tool of analysis and political practise?” one should ask the opposite question: “How does our predicament today look from the perspective of the communist idea?”


We’re Still Here

Oakland police use rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and concussion grenades on Occupy Wall Street protests in Oakland, California.



Glenn Beck Is Fucking Creepy

I’ll just let it speak for itself, transcript below:

BECK: Let me tell you — Dina, let me tell you something. I don’t think you have to be famous. I think you just work in the average, you know, in the average environment in America now, somebody would get a picture of you, and then it would be posted all around, and you — it’ll happen in your office.

SANSING: Yeah, possibly.

BECK: You don’t think so?

SANSING: Well, it depends. You know, it depends —

BECK: Dina, I’ve got some time and a camera. Why don’t you stop by? No? OK.

Via PBH2, Video Before It’s Viral: Awkwardest Interview Ever


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