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Straight From The Horses Mouth

Hey kids, I hope you like having the health care industries penis inserted directly into your rectum thanks to the asshole crooks you elect and the fucked-up system you call democracy! Half of your vaunted progressive health care reform will be a bailout for the health care industry! Yay!!!!

And in case you were wondering, yes, I knew health care reform would be nothing but a health care bailout.


This way to Norway

In honor of the UN development program declaring Norway to be the most desirable place to live, I’ve compiled a collection of Scandinavian youtube videos for your viewing pleasure.


Republican Plan Is To Die, But Quicker This Time

Alan Grayson unveiled the Republican plan on Tuesday as: “1. Don’t get sick. 2. If you do get sick… 3. Die quickly”. After being condemned by the Republicans, he issue his ‘apology’ on Wednesday:

“Last night, I gave a speech and I’m not going to recount everything I said but after that speech, several Republicans asked me to apologize. I would like to apologize.

I would like to apologize and here’s why. According to this study, health insurance and mortality in adults which was published two weeks, 44,000 Americans die every year because they have no health insurance. 44,789 Americans die every year according to the Harvard study and you can see it by going to our website at

That is 10 times more than the number of Americans who have died in Iraq and who died in 9/11. But that was just once. This is every single year. That’s right. Every single year.”

See Also: Be careful what you ask for, you might get it, Moore Award Nominee II, Apologizing to the Dead, Alan Grayson’s diarrhea of the mouth, Resolution Denouncing Alan Grayson (D) Coming?, High Road Located, and Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) FTW!




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