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Baptist Pastor Prays For The Death of President Obama

Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, California, has been asking his followers to pray for Barack Obama’s death and was given the chance to discuss this with Alan Colmes:

Colmes: …you then said, I asked for whom else are you praying in that fashion and you said President Obama. Are you praying for his death?

Drake: Yes.

Colmes: So you’re praying for the death of the president of the United States?

Drake: Yes. Are you concerned that by saying that you might find yourself on some secret service call or FBI most wanted list. Do you think it’s appropriate to say something like that or even pray for something like that?

Drake: I think it’s appropriate to pray for the will of God. I’m not saying anything, what I’m doing is repeating what God is saying, if that puts me on somebodies list then I’ll just have to be on their list.

Colmes: You would like for the president of the United States to die?

Drake: If he does not turn to God and does not turn his life around I am asking God to enforce in imprecatory prayers throughout the scripture that would cause him death, that’s correct.

[Transcript via C&L]

You read that right — you see, he’s not PRAYING for Obama to die, he’s just repeating what God told him! So it’s like a game of telephone with a make believe outer-space deity, a crazy person, and the crazy persons disciplies! I’m not saying anything, what I’m doing is repeating what God is saying! And strangely enough, given the chance to backtrack on his statements, he refused and managed (if possible) to sound nuttier than before:

“Imprecatory prayer is agreeing with God, and if people don’t like that, they need to talk to God,” Drake told syndicated talk-show host Alan Colmes. “God said it, I didn’t. I was just agreeing with God.”

If there’s one thing Jesus taught, it’s that God wants his followers to openly call for the death of people because they disagree on political issues. That, and don’t eat shrimp.

See Also: When Christians Pray For The Death Of A President, Pastor Drake Prays for President Obama to Die???, WPITW: Pastor Wiley S. Drake, ‘Strike him down, Lord…’, and Rev. Wiley Drake Prays for Obama’s Death.


The Sanest Voice… Is Fox?!?!

Smith: There are people now, who are way out there on a limb. And I think they’re just out there on a limb with the email they send us. Because I read it, and they are out there. I mean, out there in a scary place…I could read a hundred of them like this…I mean from today. People who are so amped up and so angry for reasons that are absolutely wrong, ridiculous, preposterous.


Bill O’Reilly Encourages Dr. Tiller’s Assassination

O’Reilly first discussed Tiller on Feb. 25, 2005 and followed it up with 28 more episodes that mentioned the doctor. In the past four years, O’Reilly described the doctor as “Tiller the Baby Killer” and “a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida.” “This is the kind of stuff happened in Mao’s China, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union,” said O’Reilly on one show.

This is where it gets most troubling. O’Reilly’s language describing Tiller, and accusing the state and its elites of complicity in his actions, could become extremely vivid. On June 12, 2007, he said, “Yes, I think we all know what this is. And if the state of Kansas doesn’t stop this man, then anybody who prevents that from happening has blood on their hands as the governor does right now, Governor Sebelius.”

Three days later, he added, “No question Dr. Tiller has blood on his hands. But now so does Governor Sebelius. She is not fit to serve. Nor is any Kansas politician who supports Tiller’s business of destruction. I wouldn’t want to be these people if there is a Judgment Day. I just — you know … Kansas is a great state, but this is a disgrace upon everyone who lives in Kansas. Is it not?“

[via ThinkProgress]

Update: There is also a 2006 segment from Bill O’Reilly’s radio program where he implicitly states he would like to personally kill Dr. Tiller:

From this segment:

OK. So, I’m the fascist, I’m the bad guy, I’m the problem. Not Tiller. No, he — no, no, no. He’s a good guy. Now, Tiller’s pumping all kinds of money into obviously the attorney general race. He wants the guy that’s gonna let him off the hook to win. Those of you listening in Kansas, you ought to know that. You know, I don’t — I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for. You guys know these guys better than I do, but I tell you what, anything Tiller wants, I’m voting the other way. And if I could get my hands on Tiller — well, you know. Can’t be vigilantes. Can’t do that. It’s just a figure of speech.

But despicable? Oh, my God. Oh, it doesn’t get worse. Does it get worse? No.

See Also: More O’Reilly Rhetoric, Tiller’s Death: A Debate About Speech, George Tiller murdered, The Politics of Murder, Bill O’Reilly’s George Tiller Death Fantasy Moment From 2006, Randall Terry presser: ‘Tiller reaped what he sowed’, On Rivers of Rage, Liberal bloggers point finger at Bill O’Reilly in George Tiller’s death, American Taliban Strikes Again, So Much Hatred On The Right, THE MURDER OF GEORGE TILLER TERRORISM?, Dear Bill O’Reilly, and Bill O’Reilly’s Campaign Against Murdered Doctor.


I Heart Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura Thinking During Interview

Some key quotes: “This country will impeach a President for cheating on his wife, but we won’t impeach a President for lying to us and taking us to war where thousands are killed”

“The fear is coming from 9/11, the fear is coming from that attack and our government making us paranoid to make us think that some Muslim radical hiding behind every tree waiting to blow us up.”

“Why was no one fired [for 9/11]… Shouldn’t many be important people in this country be going to jail?”

Update — The Full Videos of the Jesse Ventura Interview with Al-Jazeera are available below:


The Kind of Democrats We Should Be Supporting

“If the United States leads the charge to war in the Persian Gulf, we may get lucky and achieve a rapid victory. But then we will face a second war: a war to win the peace in Iraq. This war will last many years and will surely cost hundreds of billions of dollars. In light of this enormous task, it would be a great mistake to expect that this will be a replay of the 1991 war. The stakes are much higher in this conflict…. Today I weep for my country. I have watched the events of recent months with a heavy, heavy heart. No more is the image of America one of strong, yet benevolent peacekeeper. The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned. Instead of reasoning with those with whom we disagree, we demand obedience or threaten recrimination.”

See Also: Fear 1, Dems 0, Torture Appropriations, Was George Bush on a Mission From God in Iraq?, Keep Bombing Until They See Things Our Way, The main concern of Washington, Every once in awhile I do need reminding that my party sucks, too, Keeping Us Safe, Blaming National Security Conservatives for Republican Problems, Pelosi and the Democrats knew and supported the use of Bush’s torture all along, and What, Eight Years Wasn’t Long Enough?


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