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“I’ll put it to you this way: You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I’ll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.”

See Also: Jesse Ventura On Cheney’s Torture Regime, Ticking bomb, bitches, Advocacy of Evil and Harlotry, Oh My!, How Does Closing GITMO Make Us Safer?, Bush’s Own Anti-Torture Memo To Be Released, and Used to be One of the Rotten Ones.


100 Days of Fair and Balanced

Some highlights:

    • “Socialism has failed”
    • “Our country is less safe today”
    • “Do you want socialism or not?”
    • “Liberal Utopian visions”
    • “March to socialism”
    • “The end of capitalism as we know it”
    • “Obama was elected by black racists and white guilty people”
    • “We’re starting to look at fascism”
    • “Closer to communism”
    • “The new socialist regime”
    • “There is real dishonesty in this man [Obama]”
    • “A walk down the road to socialism”
    • “Liberal vision of a nanny state”
    • “The President has declared a war on prosperity”
    • “I think he wants a catastrophe”
    • “We are heading towards a one world government”
    • “This is Joseph Stalin without the bloodshed”
    • “Obama Attacks America”

See Also: The Party Of Rove And Cheney, Hundred Days Of Bush, FOX News: 100 Days of Unfair and Unbalanced, FOX News Marks 100 Days of Non-Stop Dumping on Obama, 100 Days of Obama, 100 Examples of Obama’s Stupidity: Joe Scarborough, Glenn Beck and Others List Obama’s Biggest Mistakes, Fox’s “Lie to Me” Beats Networks’ “Lie to America”, New GOP Ad: “Do You Feel Safer?”, Obama To Fox News: Grow Up, Ugh…None of These Media Types “Get It”, and Cartoonish Stereotyping: What If Fox News Had Pulled This Stunt?


Creationist Science Class For Congress

A couple of points from Pharyngula:

* She repeats over and over that CO2 is a natural gas. Yes, we know…no one is claiming otherwise. (Also, what would an “unnatural” gas be, anyway?) Nitrogen is also a natural substance, it helps plants grow, and we produce perfectly natural nitrogenous materials from our bodies — so does that mean that we should stop sewer services and allow everyone to wallow in their poop?

* She claims that not one study has ever been produced to show that CO2 is harmful, and she goes further to claim that CO2 is a harmless gas. We could correct that in just a few minutes: give me a large tank of CO2 and a small room containing Michele Bachmann, and we’ll give her a personal experience.

* The atmosphere is 3% CO2? Is she really that ignorant? It’s more like 0.03%. And again, no one is arguing that CO2 is evil — it’s that its concentration has distinct effects on the temperature of the planet, and that concentration is changing.

See Also: The Express Train to Crazytown, Republican catechism vs science, Neocarbon, Replace Michele Bachmann, a bad week for science in politics, “Actually, we need more carbon emissions”, Bachmann-the-Nut, Scientist, Michele Bachmann: A Byproduct of Oxygen Deprivation, and Stark, Raving Mad.


Fox News Admits Doing PR For The Tea Parties

Via TPM:

You know Brent, it’s been interesting because Fox News covered these Tea Parties, and we were one of the only organizations to give it any publicity or p.r. prior to the fact that it happened, and it was so under-covered by virtually every news organization. Why is that? Why was it so ignored up until the very last day by virtually everyone.

See Also: Quote For The Day, Tea Parties Draw 250,000+ Across The Country, The Patriot Game, Teabagging Nation, Tea Party Atonement, Tea Bagger: ‘Burn the Books!’, ‘Not Really Family Viewing’, The numbers are in, O’Reilly Brags About Tea Party Ratings, Discards Journalistic Integrity, Ratings blowout: Fox News scores big with tea-party coverage, Fox News Tea Party Coverage Dominates CNN, MSNBC, Headline News Viewership Put Together, and Was the teabagging ceremony a News Corp marketing event?


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