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Bill O’Reilly, Professional Hypocrite

“The meanness of the discourse in general bothers me.” Yah, Bill O’Reilly people.


Those People Are JERKS!!

By the way, what exactly was Sarah Palin running for — Vice President of the United States of America or treasurer of a special-ed fifth grade class? Judging by her inability to respond to criticism other than call her detractors ‘jerks’, I’m going with the latter.

See Also: The Conservative Intelligentsia And Palin, Rumor Patrol: Romney Camp Spreading Palin Stories?, Borowitz Scoop: Palin to be Ambassador to Africa, Africa Dumbatta, Palin calls attacks ‘cruel’ and ‘cowardly’, The GOP: Celebrating Ignorance, McCain/Palin Aide: Campaign Leaker “Twisting” Palin’s Words “Maliciously”, and Palin Fought Decisions Behind The Scenes.


Uncle Nader Doesn’t Like Uncle Toms

“To put it very simply, he is our first African American president; or he will be. And we wish him well. But his choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country, or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.” — Ralph Nader on the election of Barack Obama

See Also: Alright, now where’s my free flatscreen?, Ralph Nader: Will Obama be an Uncle Tom?, Classless Nader ‘Uncle Tom’ Comment, Don’t Need No Nader-ation, Ralph Nader Ponders if Barack Obama Will be an “Uncle Sam” or “Uncle Tom”, Nader Defends Obama Slur, Ralph Nader: Racist Douchebag, Ralph Nader Claims Obama May Turn Out to be “Uncle Tom”, Nader drops an “Uncle Tom” bomb on election day, Say What?????, Ralph Nader Says He Hopes Obama Isn’t An “Uncle Tom”, and Nader: Will Obama be an Uncle Tom?


You Betcha Your Economy Is Fucked


“I’m going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated,” McCain said in a 2005 interview with the Wall Street Journal.

A quote from McCain in a November 2007 CNN/YouTube debate is also shown, when the Arizona senator said, “I might have to rely on a vice president that I select…”

(The Obama campaign says McCain was particularly talking about relying on the VP for the economy, though McCain was describing a wide range of issues.)

A graphic is then shown displaying the question, “His choice?” — before showing Sarah Palin winking at the vice presidential debate.

But hey, who needs a job or a stable economy when you have Jesus and his chosen charlatans winking at you from above?

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See Also: The Real McCain, Devastating, John McCain: Obama’s ‘disturbing’ video, Obama And McCain Return To Familiar Themes, Hate Versus Hope, and Palin Visits Cleantech Startup, Pushes Oil Policy.

[tags]new barack obama ad, targeting sarah palin, john mccain, economics, the wink, sarah palin, vice presidential candidate, obama ads, sarah palins capabilities, not an expert on economics[/tags]


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