Author Archive

The Hillary Clinton Campaign

What are you going to do? Bleed on me?


I’m Not Sure America Is Ready For A Smart President

Remember: We don’t deserve a leader that treats us like adults.


Secret Muslims Are Preying On Your Children

Interestingly, I used to work with Hussein at my old organization in DC (extra stalker points to anyone who figures out the organization!).

See Also: Episode 364 Linkcap Recap, My friend Hussein, Arab-American activist lies about a rising tide of bigotry, One of Obama’s Real Problems: Jeremiah Wright, How The NYT Whitewashed Obama’s Pastor, Barack Obama Watch, smears working? 13 percent of voters believe obama is a muslim, WSJ Catches Obama in Lies, and OBAMA’S MONEY TALKS.

[tags]hussein ibish, colbert report, barack obama, muslim, islam[/tags]




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