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Marxism Explained


It’s Official: Obama Is Not the Anti-Christ

BECK: Let me ask you, because I got — I get so much e-mail on this, and I think a lot of people do, and I`ve only got a couple of seconds. They say Glenn, you and the media, you`ve got to wake up. Barack Obama`s making people faint and cry and everything else. And he`s drawing people in.

There are people — and they said this about Bill Clinton that actually believe he might be the anti-Christ. Odds that Barack Obama is the anti-Christ?

HAGEE: No chance. He has a lot of charisma. There`s a media love affair with him right now. He is a very formidable political person. I believe the best leader for America in the future is John McCain.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pastor!



Arianna Huffington Wears The KKK Costume At Night

Starting at 1:13

O’Reilly: What’s the difference between the Ku Klux Klan and Arianna Huffington? What’s the difference?
Ham: I think there is a difference,.
O’Reilly: I don’t see any difference between Huffington and the Nazis.

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Related: Bill O’Reilly calls Arianna Huffington a Nazi and a KKK’er, Arianna Huffington Publishes a ‘Sewer’, Jesse, O’Reilly’s Not On The Stump, and Big Media Sucks the Big One.


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