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My deepest desires, performed on national television

From Malik Shabazz (who has taken Malcolm X’s real name), General Counsel of the New Black Panther Party:

Will you apologize for being a political prostitute for Bill O’Reilly, a white male chauvinist racist?

I like the cut of their jib already:

Most recently, the New Black Panther Party provoked a melee outside of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney’s campaign headquarters after she had lost a Democratic primary to her opponent, Hank Johnson. The NBPP’s Chief of Staff, Hashim Nzinga, had been acting as security detail for the Congresswoman when, in a volatile confrontation, he physically attacked reporters, derogatorily calling them “Jews” and insisting that they must focus on Hank Johnson rather than on McKinney, since Johnson, he alleged, was a “Tom”. [7] In a subsequent appearance on the Fox News Channel program Hannity & Colmes, Nzinga vociferously defended these actions and further accused his interviewers of being part of a Zionist media complex bent on defaming African-Americans and, by extension, the New Black Panthers.


Emily Ghoullllllllllll-ed

I’d consider myself a fan of the base intellectual conversation created by Gawker, but Ms. Gould did not do herself much service by acting finicky and weird along with being unable to present a reasonable defense. Emily: You’re hot and one day you’ll make a great trophy concubine for one of the five jew bankers that rules the world. But until then, don’t blow it with these TV appearances, ok?

By the way, you look hot Emily. If you read this (doubtful), I’m coming up to Manhattan this weekend and I’d be happy to spray you with some goy sauce. Though it may make you melt like holy water on a vampire.


Honduran dance party!

I wanna be famous. Maybe I should just be a cunt genius like Ann Coulter. Or maybe Don Imus? Stephen Colbert is more my kinda guy.


I’m in your bushes, fucking up your democracy

Courtesy of Wonkette, it’s lurking Dick Cheney, chilling out in some shrubs with a voodoo doll and a pacemaker while the Commander of God, George W. himself, gives a ‘press conference’ in the rose garden. This may be the creepiest thing you see today, except for this little choice excerpt from a conservative blog that makes me question life:

The day before CPAC some people in my office were talking about Cheney and I said that I love Cheney and when I see him on TV I want to hug him. I don’t know why, but he just makes me smile. This made my boss laugh and is why I was given a ticket to the dinner.


Looking good Charlie


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