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Lay off the hip hop, stick to the unauthorized attorney firings

Holy christ, this is painful to watch — it’s MC Karl Rove dancing to Diet Eminem at the Press Club Dinner, the annual Washington DC event where all the uptight white protestants with power (read: executive branch) get all humble and ‘down’ with the slightly less uptight but more spineless white protestants (read: media — and you thought I was going to say Democrats, didn’t you!). When Alberto Gonzales and Rove slow dance, who takes the lead?


Peanut Butter, The Atheist’s Nightmare!

Finally, my PROOF! God, I needed this. All of my friends have been all up in arms about ‘science‘ this, ‘science‘ that. Well I don’t NEED science, I got G-O-D on my side. And he is tall and white and has not yet committed adultery or molested a child as proven by a jury of his peers. So you know what, all you HIGH and MIGHTY thinkers, science may be all ‘factual’ and ‘proven’ and ‘thought out’, but I only need one FABLE, and that’s the Bible. God’s word, spoken straight through the mouth hole of a bastard Jew child who liked carpentry. I mean, what makes sense, a 2000 year old super hero or tested ‘theory‘ and ‘science‘? Jesus is the best, and if you don’t think so, he’ll poke your eye out and kick Allah in the testicles at the same time.


Your fill of degenerate, base humor

It’s as simple as that, it’s a drunk squirrel and a drunk cat. Because we’ve sunk to that level and eventually we aren’t coming back. God I’m lonely.


Clown Make-up

Keeping with the theme of Anna Nicole Smith being the most important news of the year, I present to you two important video clips (and free Marxist rub down to whoever can figure out what drugs she’s on — and Jesus is not an acceptable answer):


Beeee Prus


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