Author Archive

Nerds: America’s Greatest National Security Threat

Meet Alex Jones, renown radio host and knuckle-dragger laureate of Texas. Fluent in hyperbole and equipped with a working knowledge of demagogic gobbledygook, his latest theory is that nerds, not a nuclear Iran or paralyzing amounts of poverty, are the greatest threat to the United States’ wellbeing. Enjoy, if you can.


Don’t Want To Pay Your Bills? Use “Debt-B-Gone!”

OK, so comparing government bill payment to household bill payment isn’t really fair, but that flawed comparison was originally the austerity-wielding GOP’s bag.


How We Failed Aaron Swartz

Killing himself a little over a week ago following imprisonment for “hacking” into academic documents and trying to make them available for all, American law enforcement clearly needs to realign its priorities.


Watch Nicolas Sarkozy Get Pied In The Face

Would love to add “Custard Assassin” to my CV.


Ai Weiwei On The Great Firewall Of China

Renown for his installation art and uncanny ability to piss off Chinese authorities, artist Ai Weiwei offers a counterintuitive opinion (at least to people who have ever taken a look at YouTube comments) on the civility of the internet.


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