Author Archive

The Truth About Oil Extraction

Tar sands take 3 barrels of water to process every barrel of oil extracted. Ninety percent of this water becomes so toxic that it must be stored in tailing ponds. Unfortunately these ponds regularly leach pollution into the third largest watershed in the world.


The Worst Attack Ads Of The 1800’s

Every four years, we hear the same superlative soundbite shared by pundits: this year’s attack ads have been the most vitriolic ever. Let’s just say that even though his ideas might have fit well within that time period, it’s a good thing Mittens didn’t run in the 19th century.


One Man Flirts With Westboro Baptist Church Member

Resident hate-mongering group Westboro Baptist Church makes an unknowing date with a couple Aussie comedians looking to combat the anti-semitic and homophobic organization with some hardcore flirting. Gay flirting.

Also, sign the petition to make them a hate group here.


One Teacher Confronts ALEC, Infamous Lobbying Organization

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) fuses together the worst of corporate and legislative corruption into one seamless copy and paste model policy package. For more information, visit here.


Why Do They Hate Us?

Hard to create dichotomous scenarios when our actions and those of our so-called enemies are incredibly similar.


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