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The Fiscal Cliff Explained, Cartoon-Version

In summation: we go over this artificial cliff, wealthy tax rates increase and defense spending goes down. There’s a reason why the Obama White House isn’t too nervous about this upcoming free-fall.


Ashley Judd For Senate?

Judd on women’s issues, Rick Santorum and the uber-right wing movement. Many hope the actrivist will take on Mitch McConnell in 2014.


Boehner Wants More Cuts But Won’t Provide Any Ideas

Boehner: “I won’t get into the details of? our plan, but it is very clear what we are trying to do.” It seems the cloud of purposely vague, GOP bullshit has persevered in spite of Obama’s re-election.


Rep. Marcia Fudge Calls Out McCain On Susan Rice Remarks

…and match point.


Bludgeoned And Neglected Occupy Oakland Protestor Sues For Police Brutality

Many considered Occupy Oakland the last bastion of the Occupy movement. And now, one of the participants (a 33 year old veteran) who suffered at the hands of Oakland law enforcement carries the fight into the courts. And if this vet wins, it could bring him around $1 million in damages. Read here for more.


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