Author Archive

Glenn Beck’s To-Do List To Save The World

Glenn Beck is to critical thinking as the deep sea anglerfish is to flying.


The War On Christmas Starts Early This Year

‘Atta boy, Bill. There’s no such thing as seizing the “anxiety-ridden and religiously intolerant Christian majority” zeitgeist too early.


Support Gay Marriage Or The Gays Will Marry Your Daughter

Pilates partners, Lady Gaga on repeat and mani-pedi dates. Please, homophobes; don’t allow gay marriage to become legal on a federal level. Marriage will become much less fun for straight girls all over the world.


A Kid Reacts To An Obama Win

Funny, this seven year old responded better to an Obama win than most of his GOP elders.


Obama On Secession

And once they’re gone, let’s change the locks on the doors.


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