Author Archive

One Terrifying Voter

This Thanksgiving, be thankful you’re not this woman.


Iran Contra: The Musical

One minute and fifty seconds of quality treason and trills that only the Reagan administration could bring you!


Obama IS Osama–No, REALLY!

Maybe the end of the world actually is nigh. Apparently Osama and Obama’s hands are eerily similar given the fact that they both contain fingers and flesh.


Democalypse 2012

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Post Democalypse 2012 – America Takes a Shower – Karl Rove’s Math
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

Poor Rovie. Those 1% returns on his PAC’s hundred million dollar investments aren’t going to be enough to appease his plutocratic higher-ups.


Obama To Campaign Workers: “I’m Really Proud Of You All”

Speaking to what appears to be a room filled with young campaign workers, our two-term president sheds a genuine tear of gratitude. Who knew those still existed in DC?


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