Author Archive

Priest Declares “Hell” A Human Creation

You mean spending an eternity in the bowels of Beelzebub’s fiery lair is a complete fabrication? Say it ain’t so, pontiff!


Brett Victor On Inventing On Principle

Bret Victor – Inventing on Principle from CUSEC on Vimeo.

I’ll be damned if this isn’t motivational.


Scott Stapp Abandons Obama

Cue the mass, liberal lamentations. I’m sure Obama was relying on the former Creed frontman to bring in the youth vote. Right?


Still Voting Romney? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Political and economics whiz Robert Reich lays it all on the line for you, even with pictures.


A Gay Veteran Talks To Romney

Unsurprisingly, Romney’s response is a wooden one.


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