Blogging & Crying

One week away from computers and I feel disorganized, detached, and unsure of the world ahead. How am I supposed to know what to think and feel if I don’t have the constant stream of blog diarrhea pouring its wisdom directly into the ol’ medulla oblongata.

Thankfully, I’m back and blacker than ever. It was April Fool’s day, and hopefully you noticed some ultra-disturbing images and thoughts canvasing PBH (more so than usual). The most important being, of course, Portrait of a Young Man as a Republican. Now, I’m not one to judge people, but this Matt Sanchez guy is too much. If you don’t remember, he was the conservative boy hero honored at CPAC, only to be later revealed he was formerly a gay porn star. Yes, a gay porn star honored in the bowels of a conservative political conference. And if this wasn’t enough, he apparently also conned donors of $10k to support his deployment to Iraq. I’m thinking he probably brought some tear sheets featuring him doing the nastiest homosexual doggy style a man could dream of, just to, you know, bring some wonderful American culture to Iraq.

In other farcical worlds, we had the privilege of watching soulless McCain v2.0 ‘walk casually‘ through an Iraqi market. Afterwards, he proclaimed that Iraq was safe for all and that real progress was being made. But how is your mark of progress a heavily guarded photo-op at a site attacked only 30 minutes after he left? Only if you’re John McCain, too busy cozying up with the part of the Republican base that stomped your testicles in 2000 to realize no one cares or likes you anymore.

Other important artifacts of the blog world include an elaborate underground labyrinth to store delicious marijuana, 10 hot steamy facts about Einstein not including his moral shortfall of endorsing Zionism, see what a woman looks like with a lot of makeup (the serpent seducers way of preying on males), never ever believe a waiter who says restaurant, be disgusted by nerds, stop ruining our housing economy with your SUV’s, and when you hate God, do it in the friendliest way possible.


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  1. Thanks for the shout out, and interesting Blog you have here. Lots of stories and link outs that I never even noticed in the news. And I know how ya feel when you miss a weeks worth of news. (Assuming you are being a bit snarky about it all being blog diarrhea! lol)

  2. Hellow…

    I saw this really good post today….

  3. Thanks, keep up the good work…

    Also nice collection you got here:)…

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