Real World: Brooklyn

Gawker does it again! They made me laugh, this time by asking questions of the Real World kids that are ridiculously inappropriate. For example:

4. To the cast: Have you read Joseph O’Neill’s new novel Netherland yet? If so, do you agree with New Yorker critic James Wood’s assessment that it is “perhaps one of the most important post-colonial novels of our time”

Beeteedubs, I saw the Real World cast on Halloween. One of them was dressed like Heath Ledger, with a clearly pro makeup job. It was really well done. That’s the closest I’ve ever been to celebrity, except the time I was eating a Cinnabon outside the Ronald Regan Building when Hillary came out. Yes, to think the then first lady saw me with sticky, goopy hands. An adolescent fantasy come true, I can tell you that much.


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    really good post…

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