the day never comes

i wanna be with you
all of the time

do it once
you know you’ll do it twice

and that’s a shame

(wa-oo wa-oo wa-oo)


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  1. Girl Talk says:

    Aw Kit, Aw Alec, looks like another emo day in e-brooklyn. Also, Girl Talk is bad about being abandoned by both you stooges on her departure day. Shots in Nice will be needed as due compensation.

  2. Girl Talk says:

    PS I mean *mad, not bad. Another typo fuck up. Revoke my blogging privileges please.

  3. alec says:

    I didn’t abandon you at all. Also, you should read what I wrote (between the lines, I say)

  4. Girl Talk says:

    That’s it. Everyone back to Brooklyn. We’ve made a terrible mistake.

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