Amazon ‘Homosexuality’ Search Results W-T-F

WTF? The whole first page of search results for ‘homosexuality’ on Amazon is like this.


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  1. Desi says:

    It’s been like that for a few years, and I can’t believe they haven’t fixed it. However, I will point out that the third book is actually a gay-friendly one – it debunks all the traditional “the BIBLE says it’s WRONG!!!111!!” arguments.

  2. Revolutionarybum says:

    Makes me wonder what the religious persuasion of the owners of amazon are ? or those who run the web sight…

  3. al says:

    I think it’s probably just because gay-friendly people don’t use the term “homosexuality” very often these days. Try doing a search for “queer” or “glbt,” and you don’t get any of those weird conservative books. I doubt they messed with the formula for sorting results just to make a political point that most people wouldn’t ever notice.

  4. novenator says:

    The reason for this is simple, conservative christians are astroturfing Amazon (as well as numerous sites around the net). Here is the video that shows Teanuts being trained how to do it:

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