Some Helpful Hints About Welfare Fraud

Welfare Facts

The real frauds are those who, in the face of facts, still choose to believe that individuals receiving a little over a hundred dollars worth of aid a month are greedy mooches yet take no issue with corporate welfare doled out to already thriving “people” to the tune of billions. Welfare queens exist, but you’re not going to find them in housing projects.


It’s Time To Re-Think How “Easy” Teachers Have It

Teacher Facts

Respecting a teacher doesn’t mean handing them a loaded gun.


The Truth About Walmart Wages

Walmart Minimum Wage

Yes, but these are savvy shoppers who hone in on a deal like a Texas conservative to an anti-abortion bill. A 1.1% increase in price would mean that instead of paying $10 pre-tax for season one of “Seventh Heaven,” they’d pay…$10.11.

(And help hardworking Walmart employees live with dignity and support themselves instead of resorting to the government teat for aid.)

The horror!


If You’re Young, Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Obamacare

Obamacare Facts

Cheer up, GOP. As they say, the 41st time’s the charm. Amid the screaming and shouting and contorting about the Affordable Healthcare Act courtesy of our conservative leaders, many of the facts have been lost (touché, GOP, touché). If you’re young, here’s everything you need to know about it before you get your panties in a bunch.


Are You Smarter Than A 1912 8th Grader?

1912 8th Grade Exam

Source: The Smithsonian

This early 20th-century doozie was given to 8th graders in the Bluegrass State to test their scientific literacy…and to make its 21st century discoverers/takers feel incredibly stupid. Fear not, though; for every geography question you Nagasaki’d, there’s an expert refuting the real value of tests like this. Case in point: researchers Will Grant and Merryn McKinnon say “We pretend that factoids are a useful proxy for scientific literacy, and in turn that scientific literacy is a useful proxy for good citizenship. But there’s simply no evidence this is true.”

With that said, though, if you still can’t get behind basic concepts like alternative energy sources and global warming, you’re on your own.


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