An 89 Year Old Barber Discovers His Shop Looted

An 89 Year Old Barber Discovers His Shop Looted

Photograph taken after the riots in London the past weekend. From the Telegraph:

Aaron Biber, 89, who has run a barber shop close to Tottenham High Road for 41 years, told how the looters had stolen a number of small items, including his kettle and cotton wool, after breaking into his premises. “Everyone knows me around here — I have been here since the 1970s — but now I will probably have to close because I haven’t got insurance and I can’t afford the repairs,” he said.


Keynes vs Hayek

A cute little video, even if it seems to strawman Keynes a bit. For those of you not familiar with Hayek, here is a wikipedia article. He basically was one of the founders of the laissez-faire Austrian school now commonly associated with Ron Paul and the libertarian bunch. At the same time, he also wrote “probably nothing has done so much harm to the liberal cause as the wooden insistence of some liberals on certain rules of thumb, above all of the principle of laissez-faire capitalism.” According to Wikipedia, there is a term for the kind of limited governmental interference into the market, and that is ordoliberalism. Basically in ordoliberalism, the government’s role is to set the rules by which the market can operate, and those rules should be designed to encourage competition.

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I Am A Man Civil Rights Protest Photograph

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