Global Military & Defense Budgets

Global Defense And Military Budgets

Via Global Issues:

* World military expenditure in 2008 is estimated to have reached $1.464 trillion in current dollars

* This represents a 4 per cent increase in real terms since 2007 and a 45 per cent increase over the 10-year period since 1999;

* This corresponds to 2.4 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP), or $217 for each person in the world;

* The USA with its massive spending budget, is the principal determinant of the current world trend, and its military expenditure now accounts for just under half of the world total

By the way, the United States defense spending is the equivalent of paying $2700 for every American citizen. No wonder we can’t afford universal health care.

“When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail”

See Also: Military Spending and Development Aid, Efficiencies of Death, Krugman on the Debt and Deficits, PAYGO and pretend fiscal responsibility, I have scene the future…, Pricing Out an Afghan Surge: $65 Bill Could Go to $105 Billion per Year, The Impending Obama Borrow and Spend Disaster, ‘Pay as you fight’ war surtax introduced, The Globe’s Policeman, How Glenn Beck Can Save the Right, The FY 2010 Defense Authorization, We can have guns or we can have butter… but we can’t have both, and Blaming Bush for the Budget Deficits.

[tags]global defense budgets, defense spending, military spending, global military spending, global spending on military, army, budgets, global army spending, armed forces, national defense, costs, spending, global costs, graphic, image, statistics, percentages, country spending, country budgets, country-by-country numbers, comparison of us spending on military versus other countries, western countries, spending on military, comparison on defense spending, graph[/tags]


Revenue From Marijuana If It Were Legal

State By State Revenue From Marijuana If It Were Legal Infographic

See Also: Is Marijuana Prohibition America’s ‘Berlin Wall’?, Colo. Commission Recommends Lowering Drug Penalties, Portland’s ‘Cannabis Café’ opens to cheers, controversy, Doctor’s re-assess marijuana, Can’t Wait For You Idiots to Screw it Up, Virtually legal, Winning The Drug War By Ending It, Dude, where’s my medical-marijuana ID?, and State Over-Reach: Stripmining the Citizenry for Fun and Profit.

[tags]economic benefits of marijuana, revenue from marijuana, state by state income from marijuana, effects of marijuana legalization, decriminalization, legalize marijuana, revenue, taxes, increased revenue, making marijuana legal, marijuana policy[/tags]


Foreclosure Rates By State

Foreclosure Rates In The United States By State

And it’s getting worse before it’s getting better (Foreclosures: ‘Worst three months of all time’):

Despite concerted government-led and lender-supported efforts to prevent foreclosures, the number of filings hit a record high in the third quarter, according to a report issued Thursday.

During that time, 937,840 homes received a foreclosure letter — whether a default notice, auction notice or bank repossession, the RealtyTrac report said. That means one in every 136 U.S. homes were in foreclosure, which is a 5% increase from the second quarter and a 23% jump over the third quarter of 2008.

Nevada continued to be the worst-hit state with one filing for every 23 households. But even tranquil Vermont, where the foreclosure crisis has barely brushed the housing market, saw foreclosure filings jump nearly 170% compared with the third quarter of 2008.

See Also: Existing Home Sales Soared In September, Treasury Department Announces New Foreclosure Program, Why Mortgage Servicers Foreclose when they Should Modify, Foreclosures: By the numbers, 7000 people a day – That’s a big number, Largest Transfer of Wealth to Financial/Political Elite in Global History, Home Loan Modification – Can President Obama Save Your Home?, and Commercial foreclosure crisis to swallow local economies.

[tags]foreclosure rates, united states foreclosure rates, state foreclosure rates, individual states, graph, map, numbers, picture, pics[/tags]


Unemployment Rates By State In The U.S.

Jobless recovery, in case you were wondering, is a tidy euphemism for “the rich are fine now, but you sure as hell aren’t”:

The Unemployment Rate In The United States By State

From the Wall Street Journal:

The jobless rate was flat or declined in 27 states [in September]. Michigan still has the highest unemployment rate by far at 15.3%, as the state continues to suffer along with American auto manufacturers. Housing bubble hot zones Nevada, California and Florida still have rates over 10%, though California’s rate dropped a bit from August. North and South Dakota have the lowest jobless rates. Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have unemployment rates higher than the national average of 9.8%.

See Also: Parsing Unemployment, The Unplanned Stimulus, California: Fading Lodestar, Weekly Unemployment Claims Increase, States Report Widespread Job Losses in September, Two Nations, “The Growing Case for a Jobless Recovery”, A New Civil Rights Movement is Afoot for the Middle Class, Unemployment: Great Depression vs Great Recession, and the growing case for a jobless recovery.

[tags]state by state unemployment, unemployment rates, state unemployment rates, individual states, united states of america, american unemployment, pictures, graphs, map, map of unemployment in america, u.s. employment[/tags]


Coca Cola Consumption Per Capita

The astounding amount of Coca Cola consumed in the United States compared to the rest of the world:

International Per Capita Coca Cola Consumption Graph

In the United States, an average person drinks 412 8-ounce drinks — or 3296 ounces — of Coke per year. This calculates to 39964 calories consumed per year by every American, or the equivalent of 20 days of recommended caloric intake in Coke alone. Coke soda represents 5% of recommended caloric intake for the average American.

In comparison, the average global citizens consumes 85 8-ounce Coca Cola a year, the equivalent of 680 ounces or 8245 calories consumed in Coke per year.

Below is a graph detailing the trends in beverage and soda consumption in the United States:

American Beverage And Coca Cola Consumption Graph


For more data on the subject, check out Coca-Cola’s information on global per capita consumption of Coke.


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