DMX Has Gone Fucking Insane


Barack Obama, yeah.

What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?

Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.
Barack Obama?

What the fuck?! That ainā€™t no fuckinā€™ name, yo. That ainā€™t that niggaā€™s name. You canā€™t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.

Youā€™re telling me you havenā€™t heard about him before.
I ainā€™t really paying much attention.

I mean, itā€™s pretty big if a Blackā€¦
Wow, Barack! The niggaā€™s name is Barack. Barack? Nigga named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ainā€™t his fuckinā€™ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, ā€œStop that bullshit. Stop that bullshitā€ [laughs] ā€œThat ainā€™t your fuckinā€™ name.ā€ Your momma ainā€™t name you no damn Barack.

Also, try to make sense of this:

See Also: March Madness Begins, DMX gives good interviews, DMX: Keepinā€™ the Political Process Real, and DMX To Obama: No, You Canā€™t.

[tags]barack obama, nigga, name, dmx interview, dmx, rapper, hip hop, rap, music, what the fuck is a barack[/tags]


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  1. AlvinBlah says:

    You know, I read of the links posted and got the full breadth of the DMX interview. The dude is a fucking idiot, he has no sense of national politics and is so cynical he can’t see any positive changes in the country as anything but a second rate hand out.

    I find that attitude hilarious since his entire career is founded on exporting the most dangerous aspects of black culture as some kind of romanticized private club of sex, violence, and drugs that no one else can be part of. DMX exports this right into the ears of wealthy bored white youth.

    Thanks DMX; you helped give us white gangbangers. Probably one of the most annoying fads ever.

    DMX is proud to not follow politics, thinks we’re in the biblical end times, and has cultivated himself as a symbol of what a successful black man should look and act like.

    Gah, it’s frustrating when something like this follows on the heels of Obama’s speech. It’s hard to put it in the right words, but being such a high profile figure in entertainment DMX is, sadly, a role model and a representation of a cultural group.

    And the dude is a hypocrite. He cynically lays Obama’s successes at the feet of white racism, saying that white folks think shit is so bad its time to dump it on the black folks. However, while he blames everything on racism, his manipulation of “Thug” helps to perpetuate stereotypes.

    I don’t give a fuck that the dude is an idiot, I don’t care if he blows off politics, but the man makes his living on selling a negative image, then blames the image that he sells for making shit so bad.

    Fuck DMX and the rap music he rode in on.

  2. hes a terrible actor to boot

  3. Tisha says:

    Alvin, I find it funny how people want to act like this man is inclined to be politically aware than most people. Please find me a happy go lucky music genre that does not degrade women, talk about violence and sex.

  4. […] Because he can do it all, and does. And he’s managed to hold on to huge success without going insane from drugs/booze or get himself shot. And he can make careers, which is a big […]

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hes a stupid, pit bull fighting, 90s has been rapper. that for some reason people think hes stayed real because he walks around with an attitude, crashes cars and always has a little school yard scuffle at his events. He is everything wrong with hip hop, that somehow got by because he always had good producers and had a silly barky gruff voice with same old violent lyrics that college kids like. Hes also obsessed with homosexuality. Oh well its 2010 and aprt from afewlow budget videos on the UK music channel AKA I havent seen him do anything for years. Thank god his career is over. He doesnt deserve nothing.

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