Blue & Blewed Up
Probably one of the better websites I’ve seen in a long time: Rachel Papo: serial no. 3817131. At age 18, all Israelis (including females), unless Arab or Pacifists, are required to join the military for one year of service. So she undertook this project with pretty interesting results (my favorite is the semi-intoxicated girl with a machine gun).
Other great news from your GOVERNMENT OF SENSABILITY. If you are a college student applying for federal loans, you will be denied if you have ANY drug related convictions. Even misdeamanor possessions. The United states of never letting you live down your past mistakes.
Ever wondered what the most corrupt countries are? Here are your answers. One of the cofounders of Green Peace Roger Waters supports coexistence in Israel and moved a concert in Tel Aviv to a smaller Arab & Israeli town. Blogs can do anything, like turn a big red paper clip into a house. Or at least free rent for a month.
Have a nice Doomsday!