Zach Braff’s Pussy

Zach Braff is Zach Braff in another dull movie about emotions smothered with plenty of independent music! Oh boy! Slate vindicates I am not the only person in the world who hates the sheep who love Garden State et. al. shit. “If Zach Braff is the voice of my generation, can’t someone please crush his larynx?”

And let’s not forget about FATWA FRIDAYS: “A car commercial proclaiming a jihad on the U.S. auto market and offering “Fatwa Fridays” with free swords for the kids is offensive and should not be aired, Muslim leaders said on Sunday.”

Which delves into the more serious question, why do they hate us? The answer is a series of semi-humorous political cartoons, and of course, the New York Times. And why do we get so horny? “Women become sexually aroused as quickly as men.” LIES!!!!!!!!!!!! But who the hell gets aroused watching Mr. Bean?

Subjects were naked from the waist down and positioned themselves such that their genital area was exposed and readable by the thermal imaging device. The participants next watched another video with the same subject matter, or one featuring pornography, horror or comedic clips from the Best Bits of Mr Bean.


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